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Yoongi woke up in tears for the second time that month

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Yoongi woke up in tears for the second time that month.

It was in the middle of the night, Jimin sound asleep in his side of the room. The older had another dream about Sehun. That same day kept haunting him in his sleep and he hated every single thing about it.

He checked the time on his phone, groaning when he saw that it was almost twelve in the morning. Too afraid that he'll go through the same horrible dream, sleep was the last thing on his mind at that moment. He didn't want his best friend to wake up from all of tossing and turning so he got up, wrapping his blanket around him. Grabbing his phone, he quietly slipped out of their dorm for some fresh air.

Was Hoseok still awake?

No, he shouldn't bother him even if he was. He didn't even want to disturb his closest friend let alone annoy the guy he's caught feelings for.

But then again, a simple text wouldn't hurt.

Hating himself for wobbling to his knees when it came to the brunet, Yoongi unlocked his phone and opened his messages.

Hoseokie :)<3

Yoongi :
Hi :(

Hoseokie :)<3 :

The mint head was surprised at how fast the other replied.

Hoseok :)<3 :
Why r u still awake?

Yoongi :
Bad dream

Yoongi :

Hoseok :)<3 :
Just finished an assignment

Hoseok :)<3:
U should go back to sleep

Yoongi :
I don't want to 🥺

Yoongi :
I'm in the park to clear my thoughts

Yoongi waited for a response, lips pouting as a result of being left on seen.

Yoongi :
Did u fall asleep?

Hoseok :)<3 :

Hoseok :)<3 :
Sorry I was putting shoes on

Hoseok :)<3:
I'm omw

The older's heart stopped after reading the last text. He didn't think the brunet would actually come. Even just texting the younger would've been enough to keep his mind off of things.

Not long after, Yoongi caught sight of Hoseok walking towards him with his hands in his pockets. The mint-haired student pulled the blanket closer to himself, a little embarrassed that he was only in his checkered pajamas while the taller was dressed in regular clothes.

"Hey." Hoseok greeted, sitting next to the male on the bench. "You feeling better?"

Yoongi nodded cutely. "Thanks for coming, Seokie. You didn't have to."

"I wanted to." The younger laughed along his lie. "Anything I can do to help?"

The mint head thought about, not really wanting to bother his crush with anything that took too much effort. "Can you tell me more about you? I feel like I've only been sharing things about myself these past few weeks."

"Well what do you wanna know?"


"Okay." Hoseok hummed, thinking about what he could share. "I have an older sister. She's a fashion designer with her own clothing brand. It's pretty cool. I have pretty supportive parents— that's why I'm able to pursue my dream of being a dance major. They know about me being bisexual and they have no issues about it."

Yoongi melted at the sight of the younger smiling to himself as he went on about his family.

"I love my friends, they're like my second family. Two of them went to the same high school as me. Hmm... I like anything strawberries. I'm not very picky with food but I do have my favorites."

While Hoseok kept rambling, the older male fondly stared at his beautiful details. His perfectly sloped nose and heart-shaped smile were probably his best features in Yoongi's opinion. His eyes and the mole on his upper lip only made him even more ethereal.

"Earth to Yoongi?" The mint head snapped out of his daze at the sound of the other's angelic laugh. "You zoned out. Am I really that boring?"

Far from that. Yoongi thought but wouldn't dare say it aloud.

"No, sorry." The older apologized sheepishly, thankful that the night's dim nature hid his peachy cheeks.

"It's alright." Hoseok assured before deciding that it was time to take the next step to his plan. "Yoongi, I wanna ask you something. It's actually one of the reasons why I came out here for you."

Yoongi could feel his heart thump in his chest when he hesitantly nodded.

"I'm just telling you right now that you don't have to say yes if you don't want to. I'd completely understand." The brunet smiled kindly though his mind hoped he would say yes to save both of them the trouble.

"Uh... go ahead." The older had a feeling he knew where this was going, his mind hazing at the thought.

"Yoongi, I've told you that I like you and I hope I did a decent job of showing it through these past few weeks. I know it might be too soon to ask this but I just can't wait any longer."

Hoseok patted himself in the back for being a good actor despite being a dance major.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"


Next chapter is 😈

I'll be double updating so expect chapter 8 right after this :)


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