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Hoseok laughed along with his crush, dodging the shorter's attempt of punching his shoulder

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Hoseok laughed along with his crush, dodging the shorter's attempt of punching his shoulder.

They spent the afternoon together while waiting for Yoongi since his class ended a little later than the others'. The brunet had no complaints at all.

It's been about three weeks since his coffee date with the mint head and things were going as planned. The lunch date the day prior to that was also a success. He started spending more time with the older which also led to Hoseok spending almost every lunch with him and Jimin.

It felt amazing.

The blonde was supportive of the taller male going after his best friend but Hoseok was sure he could change that once the time was right. For now, he had to focus on asking Yoongi to be his boyfriend.

Sure, things were already going well but unless he actually dated the older, the time he's been spending with Jimin wasn't a sealed deal. He needed a reason to be able to spend most of his days with the two best friends.

"Oh, Yoongi's calling." Jimin beamed, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket. Picking the call up, he immediately switched to his baby voice. "Hi, Yoonie~"

"Hi, Minie~" Yoongi mocked, his best friend practically sensing the eye roll accompanying his greeting. "Where are you? I just got outta class."

"I'm with Hoseok at the park nearest to our dorm." The younger informed him. The mint head's heart thumped just by the mention of that name.

"He's there? Ah, fuck." The male on the other line cursed to himself. "I'll meet you guys in a bit."

"Okay but hurry. I miss you~" Jimin whined, embarrassing his friend who was well aware that the brunet he liked was probably listening to their whole conversation.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up. I'm going now." He heard a giggle through the line before he was able to end the call.

Not even half an hour later, Yoongi arrived at the right park with three drinks on a cup carrier. He spotted Jimin and Hoseok sitting on the farthest bench, laughing over something the brunet had said.

It was a heartwarming sight for the mint head. He was glad that the two got along just fine. It would've sucked if the guy he liked and the male he considered his own brother had a problem with each other.

"Yoonie!" Jimin called happily once he caught sight of his best friend. He motioned for him to come over and the male did just that.

"How long have you guys been here?" Yoongi questioned, sitting on the other side of Hoseok.

"Probably an hour or two." The brunet shrugged before pointing a finger at the drinks on the older's lap. "You got coffee on the way?"

Yoongi nodded with a smile, handing the medium iced white chocolate mocha to the taller male.

"You remembered my order?" Hoseok teased with a smirk, painting a cloud of pink on the pale man's cheeks. The older nodded again.

The younger was sort of impressed, he'd only mentioned his order once during their date which was more than half a month ago. He found it cute that the male managed to remember something as small as a coffee order.

"Thanks." The brunet laughed, watching the older hand one of the cups to the blonde next to him. Jimin did the same, wasting no time in enjoying his drink.

"Oh. Minie, here's your notebook I borrowed. My bag's heavy and my back's hurting like a bitch." Yoongi placed his own coffee down, rummaging through his bag. He pulled out the blue notebook, accidentally dropping something in the process.

Jimin took his notes back but a brow was already raised at the sight of the fallen object. "Since when did you carry an umbrella around, Gi?"

"Uh.." The mint-haired male blushed furiously, quickly shoving it back into his backpack.

Though it was too late because Hoseok had already caught a glimpse of the familiar compact umbrella.

"Is that the one I gave you?" The brunet chuckled, knowing all too well what the answer was.

Call him conceited but he was sure that older already had feelings for him. The fact that he carried his umbrella around and memorized his coffee order was enough evidence.

It was safe to assume that Yoongi would say yes if Hoseok asked him to be his soon.


Short filler but if my writing goes as planned, things will start moving along next chapter and we'll finally get closer to the good parts 😈

Vote or I'll shove your cuticles in a blender 😤

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