Chapter Six

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Six. Hannah's outfit ^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

We have all decided to go to a club tonight, eventhough I hate crowds because of my anxiety I agreed to go because Finn wont be leaving my side. I bet I sound like a clingy girlfriend but he said to me that he will stay with me and he will ask the others to get us drinks, I don't drink alcohol because when my mum died my dad became an alcoholic and kind of abusive, I was put up for adoption when I turned 1 and I was adopted by the Hall family about a month after. I don't want to turn out like the man who gave up his daughter for some stupid drink.

I'm practically living at Finn's house now, he lets me go home occassionaly to get clothes but for the most part I leave my clothes here and wash them here. My brother isn't really bothered, he trusts Finn and knows he's a good guy and that's all my brother needs. He just says that as long as I'm happy then I can do what I want which is one reason why I love him so much, he isn't one of those brothers that looks after his sister so much that she can't go out. He's the one that is protective but only when he knows something's up.

All of the girls are sitting in Finn and I's room getting ready, I don't have a clue where the boys are. I walk to the wardrobe and pull out a multi-coloured dress, a black leather jacket and a pair of black platform pumps. I walk over to my bedside table - like I said, practically living at Jack and Finn's - and grabbed some black jewel earrings. I walk into the bathroom and start to do my hair but failing "ZO" I shout into the bedroom and she comes into the bathroom - already changed - and smiles at me "Help" I ask and she giggles. She stands behind me and braids the top layer of my hair into side braids and pinning them at the top of my head, then curling the ends of the hair that she had left down.

Once all of us were ready, we walk downstairs and into the living room. Finn faces me and his jaw drops, he walks over to me and kisses me gently "You look stunning babe" I smile and look at what he's wearing. He's wearing a white button up shirt, black skinnyish jeans, black vans and a black blazer with his hair styles as per usual. "You clean up nice baby" he smirks "I know I do".

We walk into the club and we're hit by lound music and the smell of alcohol. We walk over to a large booth at the back of the club and sit down, I look to the dance floor and there is hardly anyone there, I look to Zoe and smirk, she knows what I'm thinking. I get up, grab Zoe's hand and we go to the dance floor. We both dance to a total of 10 songs and by the end of the last song we are laughing so hard and my feet really hurt. I walk back over to Finn and he's smirking, I sit next to him and he puts an arm around my waist "Do you know how sexy you looked dancing like that?" he whispers in my ear and I blush, I look to Zoe and she's smirking at me.

"Come and dance with me?" I ask Finn pulling a puppy dog face, the club isn't as crowded as I had anticipated and I want Finn to dance with me however he's being stubborn "I don't dance babe" I frown "Please? Just one dance and then you can sit back down" he sighs and gets up, I smile and pull him onto the dance floor. We end up dancing for a few more songs than the one I had said, but Finn wanted dance which surprised me.

We're now heading back, it's 2am, myself and Finn are exhausted but the others wanted to stay so we're just getting a taxi back home. Neither myself nor Finn had more than a couple of drinks so we aren't drunk or even tipsy. I walk upstairs and get changed into something a bit more comfy, Finn comes up and has a quick shower. I'm sitting in bed when I feel it dip next to me "Want to watch a movie?" he asks and I nod, he gets up and picks out 'The Holiday' and puts it in. I smile because he knows that it is one of my favourite movies, he gets back into bed and wraps an arm around my waist. We snuggle down into bed watching the movie, it's like nothing could be more perfect in this moment.

I'm woken up by banging downstairs, I check the time on my phone and it reads 5:30 am. What the hell is going on downstairs, I turn to my left to attempt to wake up my boyfriend. I shake him, nothing, I kiss his nose, nothing. Fine then, I get up and straddle him, I then grab a pillow and whack him on the face. His eyes shoot open "What was that for?" he asks rubbing his eyes "You wouldn't wake up like usual so I hit you with a pillow. And something's happening downstairs, you're going down with me to see what it is" he nods and sits up so that he can kiss me.

We walk downstairs to find a very drunk Jack in the kitchen attempting to make something to eat, I walk into the kitchen and place a hand on Jack's shoulder he jumps and turns around ready to hit his attacker with a frying pan, when he sees me he drops the frying pan in shock. "Jack, mate. What are you doing?" Finn asks walking up behind me "I want somefing to eat" he says slurring a little and I laugh "Jack it's 5:30 in the morning. Lets get you to bed" Finn takes his arm and drags him upstairs, I quickly get a sick bucket from under the sink - yes, they do have sick buckets - and take it upstairs, putting it next to Jack's bed on his nightstand.

I walk back to Finn's room and lie down next to him on the bed, he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into him. I turn around a lie my head on his chest with him snuggling his face into the crook of my neck "Goodnight Finn" I whisper "Goodnight Hannah" I hear him say before I fall asleep, hopefully into a nice dream tonight.


That was Chapter Six, hope you liked it. Like I said before, please check out my cousin's fanfiction about Alfie called I need you. Her account is mickeymouse1616.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter.....

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