Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Two. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

Today Finn and Jack have a meet-up for Jacksgap so Zoe suggested that we go shopping because our boyfriends are leaving us for the day. I try to get up but something pulls me back down onto the bed, I turn around to see Finn fully awake and smirking "Why are you leaving bed early?" he asks using his morning voice - which is amazing by the way - "You have a Jacksgap meet-up so me and Zoe are going shopping" he pins me down "Can I at least have a kiss?" he asks hovering over me "I can't kiss you if you have me pinned down Finnegan" he chuckles and leans down "Well looks like I'm kissing you" and with that he meets his lips with mine.

After Finn finally let me up from the bed I went for a shower and I have changed into red/black checked shorts, black crop top, black vans and another one of Finn's snapbacks. I don't really own any so I just steal Finn's all the time. I walk into the living room to see Zoe sitting on the couch watching Tv but Jack isn't here. I sit down next to her "Hey Zo. Where's Jack?" she smiles "Hey. He's down at Playlist. Finn needs to be there in half an hour" I nod "Want a drink?" I ask getting up and she nods following me to the kitchen.

We chat for about 15 minutes until Finn makes an appearence "Hey Zoe" he says standing beside me "Hey Finn. You have 15 minutes to get to Playlist" his eyes widen "Shit" he kisses me quickly "Bye baby. Love you" he says shooting out of the door "Well that was a quick hello" Zoe says laughing "It was" I grab my bag and Finn's wallet "Finn left his card for us to use" I say walking into the living room. Despite my protests Finn made me take his wallet, he stole my purse so that I can't use my own money. He took some money with him earlier incase he needs it but his words were 'I love you and what's mine is yours. Treat yourself for once' he then handed me his wallet and told me his card pin.

We get to the mall and go shopping. I pick out 3 new beanies, a new pair of glasses, 2 new pairs of shorts, 3 new t-shirts, a pair of skinny jeans, a pair of white converse and 2 new skirts. I also bought 2 new sweatshirts, 3 t-shirts and a pair of sunglasses for Finn. He never said that I couldn't buy him anything.

"Hey Zo. Is the meet-up still happening?" I ask as we're walking back to the hotel "Yeah. It's on for another 2 hours" I nod "How about we dump our stuff and go and surprise them" I say and Zoe's face lights up "OMG Yes. I've missed Jack" I shake my head "You only saw him this morning Zo" she looks down "But I love him so I'm going to miss him" she says but I still hear her "You love each other?" I ask and she nods "When did he tell you?" I ask trying to keep my fangirl away "New Years Eve. Right before he kissed me at midnight" she says blushing "That's adorable" I say and she giggles "Well the Harries twins are adorable" she says and I giggle "Yea they are". We continue talking about nothing really until we reach the hotel. We walk up to our rooms and put our bags away.

I meet Zoe outside her room "The meet-up still has an hour left. Lets go" she says and we walk down to Playlist. We're now standing behind the curtain and I can see Jack and Finn standing up hugging viewers. "Okay. I will go first and you run after me" I say to Zoe and she nods.

Once Finn has his back turned I run out and everyone screams. By the time Finn can turn around I've already wrapped my arms around his waist, he turns around "Hey babe" I look up at him and smile "Hey" just then everyone screams again and Zoe runs out, this time Jack turns around to hug Zoe before she can surprise him. Finn turns to the fans still hugging me "Well our girlfriends have decided to show up" everyone cheers "We should let you continue with the meet-up" I say trying to walk away but Finn keeps me next to him "Don't leave baby. I missed you" he whispers in my ear and I press a kiss to his cheek "Fine. But I'm stealing your seat" I whisper back and I pull away from him to sit down. Only to be picked up again and placed on my boyfriend's lap.

The rest of the meet-up goes really well, a few people wanted pictures with me and Zoe but for the most part we just stayed seated. "Come on. We're going to bed" Finn says pulling me up, we've been watching movies for the past 3 hours and I'm refusing to go to bed but now Finn is practically dragging me to bed.

"It's our 1 year anniversary tomorrow babe" Finn says whilst we're laying in bed "I know. Don't we have a show though?" he smiles "Yea, us, the British Gang and the American Gang. So basically every Youtuber we know". "Wow. How long is it?" he checks his phone "From 11am to 6pm" he answers "Maybe we could do something the day after then?" he nods "Maybe we could".

We spend another hour just talking, it's nice to spend time like this with Finn and just relax. "Get some sleep. We have a long day" I rest my head on Finn's chest "Goodnight Finn. I love you" he kisses my forehead "Goodnight Hannah. I love you".

I can't believe that tomorrow myself and Finn will have been dating for exactly one year. With that thought I fall asleep.


That was Chapter Twenty-Two, hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter.....

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