Chapter Fourteen

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Fourteen. Hannah's outfit ^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

"Finn do you want to film the house tour now?" I ask , I'm currently sat on the counter island and Finn turns around to face me from the fridge "Sure, I will go and get the camera" I nod and he walks off to the filming room.

This morning we set up our main Youtube channel called 'The Cheeky Life' and our profile picure is one of those photobooth things - one with us smiling, one with Finn kissing my cheek, one with us laughing and the last one is us kissing - plus Jack made our banner it has our channel name in the middle, a picture of me on one end doing a heart with my hands and a picture of Finn on the other end doing the same thing. We filmed a video of us introducing ourselves - we said that it's a joint channel, Finn will be running this along with me but he will still appear on Jacksgap but it's mainly Jack's channel now and that we will be doing random things in our videos, mostly challenges but some Q&A's if our viewers want them. We call our viewers bears because in one of our vlogs Joe randomly shouted bears and everyone started commenting bears.

"BABE" I hear Finn shout from the filming room "WHAT?" I shout back, I don't want to get up "WE NEED TO FILM THE INTRO" oh yeah, I forgot about that. Looks like I'm getting up. I walk upstairs and into the filming room. Finn has set up the camera so that it is facing the window - the view being our background - and both of us will sit with our backs to the window facing the camera.

The filming room is really nice there are shelves with cameras, tripods and random stuff. We have 4 lights and 2 desks. One desk I have personalised with little things, a picture of myself and Finn, a picture of my family and a photobooth picture of me and Zoe; the other desk is Finn's he has a picture of him and Jack as kids, a picture of his parents, a photobooth one of just me and one of him, Emmy and Jack. He has a load of other stuff aswell. There's 2 spinny desk chairs and they're really fun to mess around on.

(Bold - Finn~Italics - Hannah)

I sit down in my chair, Finn starts the recording and sits down next to me.

"Hey there bears" Finn says waving at the camera

"If you watch our vlogging channel then you will know that myself and Finn have recently moved in together" I say and Finn side hugs me

"And Hannah came up with the idea for a house - well apartment - tour. I'm going to film it and Hannah will be saying everything" he kisses me on the cheek "Isn't she a good girlfriend"

We walk downstairs and stand at the front door.

"Okay, so this is the kitchen and Finn actually tries to cook in here" Finn sticks his tongue out at me I smile innocently and walk to the living room "This is the living room" Finn smirks

"This where Hannah gets shit scared when we watch horror movies" he chuckles and I pout

"See what he does to me bears" I walk to the stairs and walk up them. "These are the offices" I open Finn's door "This one is Finn's. It's not that messy to be fair to him" I walk to my office and open my door "This is my office. It's not that special". I walk to the filming room "This is the filming room" Finn walks around the room filming all the little things. He stops at his desk, films his pictures but he stops at the one of me.

"Look how cute my girlfriend is. I love this picture of her" he points to the one where I'm sticking my tongue out at the camera.

"Finn we need to show our room" he turns around and smirks.

"Of course. Let's show them where the magic happens" he says chuckling

"Finn, that's not true" I walk into our bedroom and show it to them. Finn films everything in the room and then walks out to the balcony filming the view.

We both go back into the filming room and sit back down to do our outro.

"Well bears, that's our apartment" he side hugs me "If you want to watch us talk for 15 minutes everyday then subscribe to our vlogging channel 'Cheeky Vlogs' and don't forget to give this video a thumbs-up" he does a heart to the camera.

"All of our links are in the downbar" I point to the floor "If you like this channel subscribe and become a bear" I say and do a heart to the camera.

Finn stops the recording and gives it to me to edit. "I'm going to edit this and then what are we doing tonight?" I ask and Finn puts the camera away before facing me "I am taking you out on a date tonight. Dress formal because we're going to dinner" I smile and kiss him quickly "What time?" he checks his watch "It's 3pm now, you will take about 2 hours to edit that and then another two to get ready so 7" I nod and walk to my office.

I finish editing in a couple of hours and I have just uploaded it. I walk to our room and have a shower. Finn said to dress formal so I pick out a dress with a black top and a pinkish orange bottom with a pair of black wedges. I curl my hair and put on a gold knot necklace, I pick out a pinkish orange clutch to match my dress slightly.

I walk downstairs to meet Finn, he turns around when I get to the bottom of the stairs and walks over to me. "You look breathtaking baby" I look down "I don't, I bet I look as ugly as I ever do".

----- Finn's P.O.V -----

I hear Hannah walk down the stairs, I turn around when she gets to the bottom. She looks amazing, her hair is curled, she has light make-up on, her dress compliments her figure - which is an awesome one at that - and her shoes finish off the outfit. Wow I sound gay. I walk over to her "You look breathtaking baby" she looks down "I don't, I bet I look as ugly as I ever do" those words just broke my heart, she's the most beautiful person in the world and I love her so much.

I take a step closer to her and place my hands on her shoulders making her look up at me. "Hannah, you're the most breathtaking person in the world and you just don't see it. You have never once looked ugly, in the morning you're as beautiful as you are now. It breaks my heart when you doubt myself, I love you so much and I will never stop" I then press a passionate kiss to her lips, letting her know just how much I love her.

When we pull back we're both breathless, I take her hand and she smiles "Now for dinner" she giggles and we walk into the elevator.

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

I love Finn so much and what he said earlier made me love him even more and I didn't even think that was possible.

The dinner was amazing. Finn took me to an italian restaurant and it was super cute, afterwards he took me to the London Eye and the view was beautiful, you could see the whole of London and it was all lit up. Finn wouldn't stop saying how stunning or beautiful I looked and how much he loved me. He was being a total sweetheart.

Right now we're lying in bed and I'm looking through the comments on our Apartment Tour video. Once catches my eye 'Hannah, you and Finn have helped me through loads. If I'm feeling down I watch your vlogs and they make me smile. You don't seem like the person that has anxiety or is insecure, you live through it and you're the type of person I want to be like. Thankyou xx' no way, this girl looks up to me? What's her name? It's Lucie, that's such a cute name. I should reply 'Hi Lucie I'm so happy that mine and Finn's vlogs make you smile, it's not easy to live through anxiety but it's possible. I'm touched that you want to be like me and all I can say is thankyou and continue to be strong xxx'

"Finn, look at this comment" I show him the comment from Lucie "That's so sweet. See, our bears love us" I smile and he hands me my phone back. I put my phone down and snuggle into Finn's chest, he wraps his arm around my waist tightly and kisses my hair. "I love you Finn" I whisper "I love you too Hannah. More than you will ever understand" he whispers back into my hair.


That was Chapter Fourteen, hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter.....

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