Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Six. Random gif of Finn ^^^^

----- Finn's P.O.V -----

Hannah text me around 15 minutes ago to say she's coming home. I have just uploaded our video and the feedback is amazing, everyone is being so supportive. Just then my phone rings.

(F - Finn~D - Dr)

F - Hello?

D - Hello. Is this Mr Harries?

F - Speaking but who is this?

D - I'm Dr Kyle Mason and I work at Royal London Hospital

F - And why are you calling me?

D - Your fiancée Miss Hannah Hall has been in a car accident

Wait, what. Is she okay? I can't lose her.

F - Is she okay?

D - At this point we aren't completely sure, she hasn't woken up and she was unconcious at the scene

F - I'm coming now. Thankyou for informing me.

I hang up and walk down to the kitchen to grab my keys "Sam, I'm going out" I say and he nods "See you later mate" he says and I walk out of the door. I hope Hannah's okay, I can't lose her, I love her too much and I can't live without her.

I get to the hotel and run to reception, the receptionist is my age "You're Finn Harries" she says in disbelief "I am but I need to know what room my fiancée is in" she nods "Name?" she asks "Hannah Hall" I say and she types some things into her computer "Room 359. 5th floor" she says pointing to the elevator "Thankyou so much" I say and run to the elevator.

Room 357, 358, aha 359. I look into the room and see Hannah laying on the bed motionless with an oxygen mask on her face and wires all over her. I walk in and see the doctor at her bed "Hello Mr Harries" he says shaking my hand "Just Finn is fine thank you" I say and he smiles "Of course. I assume you want to know about Miss Hall?" he asks and I nod "She should wake up within the next 2 hours but everything is doing well" he goes to walk out but I stop him "What about the baby?" I ask and he looks at me sympathetically "I'm sorry Mr Harries. The impact killed the fetus" I nod and he walks out.

I sit next to Hannah and hold her hand "I love you so much baby. Please wake up, I can't live without you" I press a kiss to her hand and lean back in my chair and close my eyes. I think I fell asleep because when I open my eyes and check my phone it's 3 o'clock in the morning. I look over to Hannah and she isn't awake, I squeeze her hand and move around in my seat "Mr Harries?" someone asks from the door, I turn to see a lady about 10 years older than me "I'm Julie, Hannah's nurse" she walks and and picks up Hannah's chart "Has she woken up yet?" I ask her and she shakes her head "Whilst you were sleeping she was aswell" I chuckle "Knowing her she's dreaming about something random" she laughs "I'm sorry about your baby" she says putting Hannah's chart back down "Thankyou. I'm just glad that Hannah's okay, I couldn't live with myself if I lost both of them" I say moving some hair out of Hannah's face. Julie walks over to me and pats my shoulder "You really love her don't you" she asks and I nod "More than anything in the world" she squeezes my shoulder and walks out of Hannah's room.

"Finny?" I look to Hannah's bed and her beautiful blue eyes are staring at me "What happened?" she asks attempting to turn over, I place my hand on her shoulder and she smiles "You got hit by a drunk driver, on your side" she nods "What about the baby?" she asks and I sigh "The baby was killed on impact babe" tears well up in her eyes "So we're not becoming parents?" she asks and I shake my head, I squeeze her hand and wipe the tears away "Remember babe. We can try again and again. We will be parents when we want to be" she nods and smiles "Have you called everyone?" I nod "I called Zoe and Jack a couple hours ago, they're coming here once you wake up so I should probably call them" she giggles and points to the window as if telling me to call them.

(F - Finn~J - Jack)

J - Finnegan!

F - Jackson!

He chuckles

J - How's Hannah? She woken up yet?

F - She's great. She's just woken up but taking the news about the baby kind of hard but we can try again.

J - We will be there in 15.

He then hangs up, I walk back over to Hannah and sit down next to her bed. She smiles at me "I love you" she says and I take her hand in mine, intertwining our fingers "I love you too. So much" I smile and Julie walks in "Hi Julie" I say and she smiles at me then looks to Hannah "Ah, Hannah you're awake" Hannah nods, Julie walks over to her "You need to stay in tonight and you can go home tomorrow" Hannah smiles "Thank You for this and for taking care of Finn whilst he's been here" she says sitting up and Julie giggles "He's lucky to have you and I believe you're lucky to have him" Hannah nods "I don't deserve him honestly" Julie smiles and walks out of the room.

A few minutes later Zoe and Jack come running in "Jesus that receptionist is annoying" Jack says walking over to Hannah "Hey Han" he says kissing her forehead "Sup Jacko" she says making him chuckle. Zoe comes over "Heya Sista" Hannah says and Zoe hugs me "Hello sis" Zoe says and she goes to sit next to Jack.

"So how are you taking the new about the baby?" Zoe asks Hannah leaning into Jack and I stroke Hannah's thumb with mine, drawing little circles. "When Finn told me it hurt. I was ready to have a kid but I guess it's just not time. I think we might wait until after the wedding" Hannah says and I smile.

Zoe and Jack stay for a few more hours but they had to go home because Zoe was feeling ill and she threw up in Hannah's bathroom. "Baby?" Hannah asks and I turn to her "Lay with me" she asks again holding her arms out. I chuckle and take my shoes and shirt off. I get into her hospital bed, wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her pillow. "I thought I was going to lose you baby" I say making Hannah lift her head from my chest. She takes her ring off and hands me it "Read it" she says "I'm not going anywhere" I read out loud and put it back on her finger "I'm not babe. You can't get rid of me that easily" she says pressing a soft kiss to my lips.


That was Chapter Twenty-Six, hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter.....

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