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"It's unethical to play with someone else's feelings for the benefit of your own love life, Hoseok."




Yoongi Min

Yoongi Min

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Hoseok Jung

Hoseok Jung

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Jimin Park

Jimin Park

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(These are the main three that you'll be seeing throughout the chapters. This doesn't mean that the other members won't show up, they just don't have as big of a role.)


Wanted to publish a new story on my birthday today so...

Another sad sope story coming right up, my good sirs 😈

Get your towels ready, those used tissues won't do you any good at this point.

I'm kidding! It won't be as sad as you think... maybe. Compared to Oxymoronic Eyes at least.

Let's just see how my writing goes ☺️


P.S. Yoonmin are best friends in this so there WILL be Yoonmin fluff. I better not hear any complaints about it or I'll actually redo the events in my head and make them an actual couple at one point.

I WILL do it if non-Yoonmin shippers get whiny and I mean that in the most disrespectful way possible ❤️

I'm making this clear because some people still had the audacity to complain about Minjoon and Taejinkook in Death's Charmer when I said not to.

So if Yoonmin ends up getting together at one point in this story, you can have the immature readers to thank for that.

(Not that I'd be opposed since I'm also Yoonmin trash ☺️)


Enjoy 🌚

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