Chapter 2 - Animal

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(Your POV):
The days passed with me in the cell with nothing to do, save for have small discussions with the Avengers who brought me meals. And that was only with those who wished to speak to me. I could tell that many resented me for who I was and what I had done, while those who did talk to me did so only to interrogate me.

I never thought I would crave a friendly conversation as much as I did in that moment. I just wanted someone to genuinely reach out to me, ask me how I was, talk about the latest movie. Hell, I would kill just to listen to Peter go on about Star Wars for hours on end.

But I hadn't even seen Peter since he stabbed me. I couldn't say I was surprised, he was no doubt pissed at me for withholding who I was from him. That and I had tried to kill him on multiple occasions, that certainly had to put a damper on our relationship. I wanted to apologize to him, I wanted to explain myself, even though I knew he would never believe me again. I wanted to tell him that I loved him and I would continue loving him for as long as lived. I wanted to kiss him, even if it had to be a kiss goodbye. I wanted to look into those gorgeous brown eyes, even if they were filled with hatred towards me. But I doubted I would ever see him again.

It was Loki's turn to deliver my food and he looked as though he would rather be anywhere else. I didn't blame him, he was forced to take time out of his day to feed someone who wasn't worth the trouble and who he barely knew. He practically threw the food into the tray that slid it into my cell then turned and left, not even giving me a glance.

I sighed as I watched him walk away then picked up the meal and tried to eat. But I wasn't hungry. It was bland and unappetizing and I knew I needed to keep up my strength, but I couldn't find the will to eat it. Instead, I placed the plate back down and focused on trying to get out.

I couldn't stay here any longer, I was losing my mind sitting here alone with my thoughts. I mean, they couldn't have given me something to do? Some sort electronic, craft supplies, a single book? Not to mention I hadn't gotten much sleep for the past few nights, my typical nightmares having been multiplied since killing my parents.

My eyes scanned the cell and the room outside of it, searching for some sort of weakness. There was no way to open the door to my cell, it seemed to be connected to the control panel across the room and I hadn't been able to telepathically open the door. Plus there were a lot of switches and buttons on the control panel and I was afraid I would end up choosing the wrong thing and release poisonous gas into the cell or something.

So instead of returning to my attempts to manipulate the control panel, I was going to try to break the walls with the railings outside of my cell. If I were to get them down to a sharp point and applied enough force, there was a chance I could use them to penetrate the wall. I focused on the railing closest to me, urging it to move. When it didn't budge, I huffed and tried again.

I didn't understand why it wasn't working, I had been moving things with my mind as long as I could remember, it was like second nature to me. So that had to mean that the Avengers had found a way to dampen my abilities. But I could break through their restraints if I tried hard enough, I had to be able to.

Taking a deep breath, I put more effort into making it move. A pain in the back of my head emerged, but I ignored it, desperate to get out of my cage. I thought I saw the metal move a millimeter, encouraging me that I was close. I pushed harder, a scream of pain ripping from my throat. The screaming faded as I was enveloped in a world of complete blackness.

When I came to, the splitting headache remained and I realized that I had failed. The railing had stood exactly where it had before I tried to move it, my powers were useless in this damned cell. I shouldn't have been surprised, the Avengers would have understood that locking me up with complete control over my powers would mean I could easily escape and they would never give me such an easy way out.

Still it pissed me off. I needed to get out, I needed to escape. Anger at my failure flooded through me and I threw the metal bed they had provided me with into the wall, causing it to shatter upon impact. The metal must have been old, it didn't take much force at all for it to crack.

"You know, you're only getting one of those. You probably shouldn't have done that," a voice spoke from outside my cell.

A growl escaped my throat as I lifted my eyes to see Hawkeye standing outside my cell with his arms folded across his chest. I glared at him as I paced in my cell, much like a predator who was stalking its prey.

"So I'm assuming you've realized that you can't use your powers? Unless that little hissy fit was about something else?" Hawkeye questioned, but I didn't give him luxury of a response. He sighed, "alright, fine, you don't have to talk to me. But the longer you refuse to tell us what you know, the longer you are going to be kept in this cage."

His words sparked something in me and I leapt against the wall, pounding it with my fists. The force of which I hit it caused a rippling of pain, but I ignored it as I seethed at Hawkeye, most likely looking absolutely feral.

A look of surprise and concern washed over his face, but he just turned and calmly walked away. "I brought you your dinner, by the way."

I continued to glare at him until he finally disappeared from view, then I turned my attention on the food he had brought. Without even trying it, I threw it to the ground angrily.

Who did they think they were, keeping me locked up in here like some sort of animal?! It seemed that I was wrong to have started growing fond of them, they were just as bad as H.A.M.M.E.R. How could I have let myself be fooled by them?

And how about Peter? Was he like them? I doubted he could have played me the way I had him, but I supposed it was possible. And if he wasn't like the Avengers yet, he would be soon, Stark was grooming him to become one of them.

They were not going to make me turn on the organization that I had served since birth just to groom me as well. I was done with this life, I wanted to live peacefully. But was that an option for me after all I had done?


(A/N): Ok so I just want to establish that there is a bathroom connected to the cell so like you can go to the bathroom and that's all good but it was going to be weird and out of place to mention in these chapters. It will crop up later and I was afraid that you'd all think that it came out of no where, but yeah I'll just let you know now that the Avengers are allowing you to pee. Alright, now that that's all taken care of, I hope that you liked the beginning of your slow descent into insanity!

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