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(Your POV):
"To MJ, Ned, Peter, and (Y/N), newest graduates released into the world to wreak havoc," Tony smiled at us, raising his flute of champagne.

Peter's hand slipped into mine and gave me an encouraging squeeze, my head turning to see his blazing smile as well. Everyone seemed so happy and proud, but I just felt utterly exhausted. It had taken all of my efforts and constantly juggling more classes than I was supposed to just to graduate with the rest of them. I had spent more time with coffee than I had with Peter, despite Ned, Peter, and I rooming together for the last two years of our studies. I was fairly certain that the bags under my eyes were permanently encased there, a constant reminder of those sleepless nights of cramming for a test or bs-ing my way through an essay. Essentially it was like the hell of high school but on steroids. Still, I did not regret my work to graduate a year earlier because it meant I could be celebrating this moment with the ones that I loved.

H.A.M.M.E.R. felt like a distant memory at this point, the hardened killer I had learned to become now laughed at stupid jokes, smiled warmly at those I barely knew, and dropped everything to help my friends. If I could have seen myself as I am now years ago I would have scoffed at how weak I had grown, upset that I had grown attached. I had gone against everything my parents had hounded into my head, yet I had found happiness. I had discovered what it was like to feel, to love. And yes, for that I had to learn pain, as well. But the pain made the happiness so much sweeter.

The party that Tony had thrown for us was small. Well, small by his standards. It still included all of the Avengers as well as friends and family of the graduates, but at least the tower wasn't bustling with hundreds of people like most of his parties. The intimacy made me feel more at ease and Peter and I did not feel that we had to be glued to each other's side throughout the night in order to feel comfortable. Instead, I got to let loose and celebrate my achievement with drink and dancing.

Peter came up to me about an hour and a half into the party, sneaking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. Not needing to glance behind me to know who it was, I wrapped my arms around his and leaned into his chest, closing my eyes as he brought his lips to my neck.

"Wanna come with me for a moment, (Y/N/N)?" He murmured into my ear, causing chills to ripple up my spine.

I hummed at his touch and teased, "you wouldn't happen to be thinking anything noddy, are you?"

He grinned, "I guess you're just going to have to come with me and find out."

A giddy excitement coursed through my veins and I bathed in the feeling. There were no enemies, no targets, just me and Peter. I felt like a child, or rather what I imagined a child was supposed to feel like. Free from responsibility, free from everything except for Peter.

Peter pressed the button corresponding with his floor and pulled me so that I was flush against his chest. His eyes sparkled with a mischievous light that excited me. I brought my lips up to his and I could feel him smile into the kiss, his hand finding the small of my back.

"I love you," I breathed as I pulled away, my senses overwhelmed by him. His scent, his taste, his touch, his breath, his entire presence allured me.

His eyes darted over to the elevator panel, realizing that we were approaching his floor. I was expecting him to pull me into another kiss or to pin me up against the elevator wall, but not to step away from me, interlocking our fingers as he awaited the door to open. His foot as tapping the flooring anxiously and I began to become disillusioned by the romance of it all, questioning why he had plucked me from the party.

But my worries eased when the doors slid open, revealing a miraculous change to Peter's foyer. The lights had a softer hue, bathing the room in a warm yellow-orange, casting their beams over rose petals strewn across the floor. Lit candles dotted the room and filled the room with that soft smoky aroma. In the center, the roses were arranged to form a heart.

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