Chapter 3 - Spark

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(Your POV):
I lay on the mattress of my destroyed bed and stared at the ceiling, having nothing better to do. It may have been day 10 of my isolation, it may have been day 235, at this point time meant nothing to me. My meals had begun to pile up in the corner of my cell and my stomach grumbled in hunger, but I was not going to give in.

If they wanted me to suffer in here, then that was what they were going to get. I would rather starve then accept their help when I knew they all would rather have me dead. And they would no doubt kill me once they got the information they wanted on H.A.M.M.E.R. But they weren't going to break me, my parents had made me far stronger than that.

"You have two options here," Captain America informed me, standing with his arms crossed over his chest. I'm pretty sure the Avengers only knew one pose and that was it.

I rolled my eyes, "I really don't care, Rogers, you're not getting me to talk."

"This isn't about your reluctance to tell us anything useful about H.A.M.M.E.R. This is about you refusing to eat. We're not going to let you starve so you can either eat something or we're going to have to knock you out and force a feeding tube down to throat rendering you incapable of even the little you do in your cell already."

I sat up on my mattress and glared at him, "why not just let me starve? That seems to be the easiest option for you. Why are you still bothering with me? I'm not being at all helpful."

Steve's face softened slightly, "because we know none of this is your fault. You didn't choose to be the Void, it was something that your parents made you become. It's very similar to what happened to Natasha and Bucky-"

"No it isn't, I could have left at anytime, but I was selfish. I was allowed to have my own thoughts and I didn't need my memory wiped every time I began to think differently than my parents."

Steve raised an eyebrow, "they were actually ok with you having independent thoughts? Or did you just keep those thoughts from them and pretend like you were following them blindly?"

I shifted my gaze to the floor and refused to answer. Unfortunately, Steve seemed to take this as an invitation to keep talking, "you are not a bad person, (Y/N). And now you have the chance to right your wrongs, so why aren't you taking it?"

"You really think helping you is going to right my wrongs? All of the crimes I have committed, the lives I've taken?" I scoffed, raising to to walk over to the edge of my cell. "Nothing can atone for my sins."

"That may be true, but you could at least try to weigh out the good with the bad."

"And serve you as blindly as I served my parents? I don't think so," with that I turned from him and walked over to the food that he had delivered, ready to throw it aside like every other meal, ignoring the pains in my stomach.

"You don't have to join us, just eat something, please. I think you'll like what we've made for you today."

With the comment, I grew rather curious, opening the door to grab my food and discovering that it was my favorite dish. I didn't understand how they had known, the only other person I had told was Peter and he wouldn't have tried to help me, would he?

"Peter?" I asked Captain America, a spark of hope igniting inside me.

"I'll tell you the answer to that if you tell us more about H.A.M.M.E.R.," he negotiated, watching as I brought the meal to the mattress.

"Fine, I'll just assume it's a yes. If I eat this meal, will you get me something to do? Maybe a book?"

"I'll see what I can do," he replied, walking away from my cell and out the door.

(Peter's POV):
I watched the feed of (Y/N)'s cell from a distance, hoping that the other Avengers wouldn't notice. I was too far away to hear the exchange between her and Steve, but it didn't seem to be going to well based on the fact the she was up against the glass with a dangerous look in her eyes.

It was hard to believe that this was the same woman I had been dating for a year and a half. I knew that she could be dangerous when she wanted to be, she knew her way around hand to hand combat, but I never would have guess that she was the Void. And it enraged me that she was.

I didn't understand how she could betray me like this. How could she keep it from me for so long? Even after we had started dating, even after finding out that I was Spider-Man, she still had not felt that she could tell me her true identity. I understood that her decision to become Void wasn't entirely her own, but the fact that she did not feel safe confiding in me when I could have helped her was what really pained me.

Steve seemed to be getting through to her, but just as she seemed to relax slightly, he left. I didn't understand why he had done it, he could have gotten information out her finally, I knew it. If he had only stuck it out a bit longer. However, he at least got her to eat, which was my major concern at the moment. Even though she had betrayed me, I couldn't bear watching her starve herself.

Steve returned the the room that the Avengers were gathered and nodded to me, "that was good intel, Pete. I saw her eyes light up a bit when she saw what you had made her."

I shrugged, hoping to remain nonchalant in their eyes, "you still need to get answers from her and she can't do that if she's dead."

"She wants to see you, you know," Nat told me, forcing me to repress a groan. I knew that she wanted to see me, but I couldn't let myself go down there. It hurt enough watching her on the monitors. "You might be able to get her to talk."

"No offense, but you're the Black Widow, Ms. Romanov, if anyone can get her to talk it would be you," I responded as I stood from my seat and made my way back to the room I had been given in the tower until the business with (Y/N) was over with.


(A/N): Ok so I wanted to give you a little bit of Peter's side here because he's obviously still hurting and avoiding you. So here's your little check in with him since I know we all love him and want to see how he's doing. Hope you enjoyed!

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