Chapter 19 - Assemble

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(Your POV):
After the disappointing mission where we had been so close to not only finding out more information regarding H.A.M.M.E.R., but also finding their actual base, we continued chasing down false leads. We had found a few more agents, but none gave us anymore useful information. I was starting to believe that we were trying to track down a ghost.

But at the end of spring, the attacks began. They were mostly on random targets, to show the militant strength the H.A.M.M.E.R. was amassing, and at each scene their emblem was left scorched on a wall. Despite the loss of life, this was good news for the Avengers because an organization out in the open, trying to prove themselves, was better than one in the shadows that didn't want to be discovered.

We now had specific instructions to patrol the streets, which reminded me of what Peter used to do as he tried to find crime to stop. He wasn't doing it at college, choosing instead to focus on his school work, but on breaks there were often spottings of him in the streets. Not that I cared. What Peter did in his free time was up to him and it did not matter to me anymore, why should I worry about him getting into a fight when he had made it very clear that he no longer cared about me?

He had come home for the summer and became integrated into the schedule of patrols almost immediately, the Avengers happy to have another set of eyes looking out for mayhem. However, they took care to make sure that we were not patrolling at the same time, fearful that our tension could jeopardize the mission.

We had both successfully managed to avoid each other so far, but now that he was back, I often found my thoughts betraying me. I tried to tell myself that I had gotten over him, that there was no chance that we were getting back together, but I couldn't deny that I was still in love with him. I started to wonder if I should start online dating or something, find someone else to distract me from my ex.

But for now my best distraction was my assignment. I scampered across the roofs of the New York buildings, carefully swinging from one to the next if they were too far apart, and keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

And a large blast from down the street certainly counted as suspicious. I grappled down to the street and ran towards the fiery building, scanning the crowd for anyone who might have been involved. There was one person who wasn't looking back at the flames, something that I found quite odd and my gut told me to follow him.

"I have an explosion at the corner of 39th and 7th, a bank was attacked, requesting backup," I spoke into my comms, but didn't wait around near the scene, instead deactivating my suit and melting into the crowd so that I could follow that woman I had pinpointed in the crowd.

While I wasn't sure if she actually had anything to do with the explosion, I would imagine whoever set the explosives would be long gone by now, but I figured I might as well follow her. The other Avengers on patrol would be arriving at the scene soon, so there wasn't much else I could do for the bank.

The woman I was following certainly did not seem all that innocent, I recognized the tactics that she used as she meandered through the streets. She clearly didn't want to be followed, but unfortunately for her, I had been trained similarly and was able to keep up. The harder part soon became not being seen as I made sure to not lose her with all of the turns she was taking.

She almost caught me at one point, but I was able to duck into a rather sketchy store, watching her through the dusty windows until it was safe enough to come out again, ignoring the shouts of the shopkeeper who realized I hadn't come in to buy anything. She led me into the even more desolate and isolated areas of the city, making me wonder if she had made me and she was just leading me into a trap.

But that's not what it appeared to be as she removed a brick from the side of a collapsing building and peered inside. I frowned, watching her as she opened the door, wondering what the brick was for. Scanning the area for any other people lurking about, I left my spot, hidden in the shadows and reactivated my suit so that if I were seen, my identity would remain concealed.

I crouched down on the stained pavement, careful not be seen through the windows, and made my way to the brick that she had removed, careful to stay out of shot of the security cameras. Hidden within the wall behind the brick was a retina scanner, assuring me that I was in the right place. Even if this wasn't H.A.M.M.E.R., it was suspicious enough to call in the Avengers.

"Sorry I ran off like that, but I think I might have found something," I whispered into my comms, moving back to the side of the building in case anyone else came, hoping to get inside. "I tracked someone who was at the scene of the explosion back to a really sketchy building complete with security cameras and retina scanners, this is the best lead we've had in while. I think this classifies as a all-hands-on-deck call."

"Copy that, we will converge on your location in a few minutes. Sit tight, Thunderbird," Sam's voice played in my ear.

I waited patiently in the shadows for the Avengers to arrive, keeping an eye out for anyone that could alert others to my presence. The area was mostly quiet, a few drunks staggering by now and then. It wasn't until I heard the thunk of someone landing on the roof that the area erupted into chaos. Steve had come in a little too loudly, alerting everyone inside to our presence.

"Shit, Steve, you couldn't have been any quieter?!" I reprimanded him in a hushed voice as I heard shouting from inside the building and about twenty agents burst through the door with weapons in had. "Hang on, there might be an opening to get inside. We have to lure more soldiers out and then someone can slip inside while the door is still open. Everyone down to the ground immediately."

I emerged from my hiding spot and used lightning to stun the soldiers closer to me. That of course turned their attention onto me, something that I probably should have thought about before using my powers. I unholstered my weapon and began shooting. Bullet after bullet, their numbers seemed completely unchanging. It took all of my strength to deflect the bullets aimed at me firing back at them.

Pain erupted from my arm as I realized that I had missed a bullet, it was too much for me to handle. I hid myself behind a trash can, hoping that it would be sturdy enough as a shield, as I angrily muttered into my comms, "you guys can come help me whenever you like."

"Hold your horses, Sparks, we're here," Tony's voice spoke, but I didn't just hear it through the comms. He had landed right next to the trash, using his thrusters to throw back the soldiers in front of us. "You ok, there, kid?"

I looked at the blood seeping through my suit and nodded, "yeah, it's just a scratch."


(A/N): The image at the beginning of the chapter is H.A.M.M.E.R.'s logo if any of you were curious. Also I hope you all are ready for a big battle!!!

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