Chapter 22 - Relationship Advice

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(Peter's POV):
I stared at the work in front me, trying to figure out what I had done wrong. We were so close, I could feel it. But still, no matter how many minds we had working together to find a cure, it seemed that it just wasn't enough. Thor had even called in Asgardian healers that he had found homes for on earth. But still, a cure was yet to be developed.

Mr. Stark had given a press conference, explaining the situation to the public. He was willing to tell the press about (Y/N)'s past, how she worked for H.A.M.M.E.R. under the guise of Void, but had turned at her soonest opportunity and helped lead the fight against the deadly organization. It helped that the public had already seen her as Thunderbird and trusted her to keep them safe.

As a result of the press conference, we gained some heavily-vetted and experienced scientists in the lab in addition to Dr. Banner, Mr. Stark, and myself. But even with the extra help, we were still ending our days empty handed. And while (Y/N)'s vital signs remained steady within the ice, there was no telling how long it would be before her body finally gave out.

I didn't know what time it was, time had become merely an illusion while I was down in the labs. There were days when I never left at night, empty coffee cups piling up in the trash as I pressed onwards. I needed to save (Y/N), I needed to develop the cure before it was too late.

A hand was placed on my shoulder, causing me to jump and my pulse quickened as I returned to reality. A sigh of relief passed through my lips at the sight of Mr. Stark beside me, looking just as exhausted as I felt.

"Pete, I think it's time you should head to bed," he suggested as he began to clean up my work station. My eyes darted over to the clock in the corner of the room, discovering that it was almost two o'clock in the morning.

But I shook my head, "no, I'm fine. I'm going to stay down here a little longer. I'll just brew some coffee and I'll be as good as new."

"Pete, you pulled an all-nighter yesterday too and the night before that, you need to get some sleep. God, now I understand how Pepper feels when she tries to get me out of the lab at all hours of the night. C'mon Pete, we can work more on this tomorrow."

"But what if (Y/N) doesn't make it-" I chocked on the words, unable to finish my words as sobs rise up in my throat. I had been trying to keep them subdued for so long, but now it seemed that they wouldn't be held back any longer.

Mr. Stark wrapped his arms around me, allowing me to cry into his expensive suit. I knew I needed to pull myself together, that I shouldn't be acting like this in front of my mentor, but at the same time I no longer cared. I no longer cared about anything except saving (Y/N). Even after all of the pain she had put me through, even after she had lied to me for years.

Despite my unprofessional behavior, Mr. Stark patiently waited for me to calm down, muttering assurances in my ear. None of his words really helped me feel any better, but the fact that he cared enough to not just brush me off did. Eventually the sobs died down to silent tears streaming down my face and my breathing was no longer in heaves.

He had me sit down on the stool I had been occupying while he brewed me tea. I was shocked by two things: first that he thought of tea to help calm me down and second that he actually knew how to make tea.

I muttered a thanks as he offered me the mug and watched as he sat down across from me, his eyes filled with concern. We sat in silence for a while until he finally spoke up, "I know that this must be incredibly hard for you. I mean, it's hard on all of us, so what you must be going through is worse. Wanda still blames herself for not being fast enough, Loki's down to see her multiple times a day to make sure his ice is still holding strong, Bruce and I are pulling out all of the stops to try to find a cure, as well you. Everyone else practically lives in the training room, trying desperately to keep their minds focused on something other than (Y/N). What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that she's going to be ok. She has to be, she has all of us fighting for her and we're the Avengers, we've not lost a battle yet and we're not going to start now."

"And if she doesn't pull through? Or if we can't figure out how to cure this?"

"Pete, we're working with some of the best minds in the world, including our own. I'd imagine we'll have something figured out by the end of the week, but we won't if we keep working without sleep. Coffee is one of man's greatest inventions, but that doesn't mean that we can survive on it alone."

A ghost of a smile passed over my lips as I thought about how much coffee I had seen him consume in the past few weeks as he hypocritically reprimanded me for how much I was drinking. I then looked up at him and asked, "how has she been today? I haven't seen her since this morning."

"She's doing alright, her vitals are remaining steady. There hasn't been much change in her condition. Which I suppose is a good thing."

"Yeah," I breathed, running my thumb around the ring of the mug.

"Are you going to be there for her when she wakes up? I mean, after we find the cure and everything."

I shrugged, "I don't know, I suppose if she wants me there."

"Pete, she chose her final words to be an apology to you and to tell you that she loves you, I think it's safe to assume that she wants you there."

"But I don't want to get her hopes up, you know? I don't know if I can be in a relationship with her again."

"Why not? She loves you and based on how you've acted since she was poisoned, I'm going to assume that you still feel the same way about her."

"Does it matter? All she has done is lie to me, I can't just forgive her for that, can I?"

"I don't think it so much just forgiving her as it giving her the chance to make up for her mistakes. Coming from the one in the relationship that makes all of the mistakes, I know she would be really grateful that you were letting her try to mend the relationship. Now I have never been an undercover H.A.M.M.E.R. agent who had been sent to capture and interrogate Pepper, but I have done some incredibly stupid shit and I owe everything to her. God, if she weren't such a wonderful person I don't even know where I would be today."

"So you think I should give (Y/N) a second chance?"

"Well, it is ultimately your decision, but I can see that you two still have feelings for one another. Yeah, there's a risk of heartbreak, but that's how it is in any relationship. I'm probably not the best guy to go to for relationship advice, but I think you two can work out if you are both willing to put a little work into it."


(A/N): Whoop look at Tony helping fix your relationship (if they can save you, that is). I really hoped that you enjoyed some Peter being all worried about you and determined to cure you!

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