Chapter 26 - I Love You

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(Your POV):
Wanda stayed and helped me bake the pie, the conversation deescalating from our tragic pasts to more carefree and superfluous topics. It was like having a sister, something I was growing increasingly familiar with in both Nat and Wanda. We laughed, we told stories, and we let each other steal bits of the filling, pretending that we did not see.

When Wanda left, I found myself somewhat disappointed to be on my own again, but that quickly faded when I realized how little time I had left to prepare for my date with Peter. I was setting up my private sitting room for a screening of Star Wars, which I honestly still didn't quite get his fascination with, but he loved it so I was excited to watch it with him. I was planning on just playing the first movie, but if he wanted to do a marathon then I was prepared with all of the originals, however, he would have to track down the prequels and sequels if he wanted to stay up and watch those too.

I placed the pie in on the coffee table situated in front of the long sofa which faced the TV head-on and would be the best place from which to watch the movie. After doing that, I jumped in the shower to freshen up before Peter arrived, choosing a very pleasant rose-scented soap that I hoped he would like. Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped my body in the towel and pattered into my bedroom to find something to wear.

I had never been so nervous about an outfit before, it felt like our first date all over again. Why did I care what I wore; he had seen me in everything from an elegant dress to sweats and a t-shirt to absolutely nothing at all. Yet here I was standing in my closet, desperately searching for something that I would like nice in for him.

Eventually I decided upon a peach colored jumpsuit that had a detailed band around my waist. It had a halter neckline and fell just short of my ankles.

With my outfit in hand, I returned to my bathroom to blow dry my hair and threw it up into a messy ponytail. I applied some simple makeup that accentuated my features and got dressed. I had to say that I was happy with how I looked and I hoped that I could wow Peter as well. Spritzing on the vanilla perfume I knew that he liked, I deemed myself ready for the date.

I paced nervously near the elevator while waiting for Peter to arrive, knowing that he still had five more minutes. Things had still been pretty tense between us and I could only hope that this date would go smoothly. I didn't want the hesitation before a kiss or the hands just brushing in the hallway. I wanted him to hold my hand proudly and pepper me with little kisses just because.

"(Y/N), Peter is on his way," F.R.I.D.A.Y. informed me and I drew a shaky breath in.

Should I act as though I'm doing something and then be surprised when he walks through the door? Or should I stand here and wait for him? Is that too clingy? Why was I so worried about these little things?

The elevator doors opened before I had a chance to make up my mind and I frantically threw a smile on my face, stuffing the inner turmoil down deeper. Neither of us spoke as Peter walked out of the elevator, we just sort of stared at each other and I felt my heartbeat begin to quicken. He had also dressed up a bit, wearing a white button down shirt that I noted wasn't his usual fashion.

"Hi," I managed to get out. Why did my voice sound ten times higher? Also you start the date off with 'hi'? You've got to do better than that, (Y/N). "Um, F.R.I.D.A.Y. let me know that you were on your way, so I, uh, so I came out here to greet you."

My blush deepened as I grew even more embarrassed. God I hoped that my makeup at least hid some of that blush, otherwise I had to look exactly like a tomato.

"You look really nice," Peter offered a small smile. "I mean pretty. Not that you don't like nice. You're, um, nice a-and pretty."

"You look really handsome yourself," I replied, hating the awkwardness between us. I mean of course Peter would get nervous if there was something really special going, but usually he wouldn't get so embarrassed. "Um, I have Star Wars set up in the other room."

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