Chapter 8 - All Fun and Games

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(Your POV):
Clint and I passed the afternoon shooting arrows until he informed me that it was time to get food for dinner. Upon arriving in the kitchen, I was immediately overwhelmed by the cheesy and slightly greasy smell that could only be attributed to pizza. It was no wonder that the aroma was so strong: the island in the kitchen was covered with large pizzas as was the table in the other room. I could not help but wonder how much pizza the Avengers could possibly consume.

"Grab as much as you want and then join us in the next room," Clint instructed, grabbing a plate and going in search of the pizza that he desired.

Feeling both uncertain and out of place, I grabbed two slices of the nearest pizza - plain cheese - and then did as Clint had told me. I arrived to find most of the Avengers sitting on the large couches that filled the room, pizza and drinks in hand as they chatted idly. Confusion washed over me as this had never happened before. Usually I or whoever was guarding me made dinner for the two of us, we would eat it alone, and then either go back to my cell or find one last thing to do before returning. Every now and then it would be a handful of the Avengers eating together, but never everyone all together.

"Welcome to the Avenger's monthly game night," Clint spoke in my ear, seeming to notice my confusion. He then sat down next to Natasha and my eyes landed on a woman not too far away from him.

She gave me a smile as she saw me, standing up and wrapping her arms around me, "(Y/N), it's so good to see you again."

"May, I- it's great to see you too, but I don't understand, you don't hate me?" I asked her quietly, tears prickling in my eyes at her warm welcome. It didn't make any sense, not after everything I had put her and her son through, why was she being nice to me?

"(Y/N), I could never hate someone who has gone through as much as you. Peter will come around eventually, he'll see that you were just a victim," she assured me, pulling away from the embrace but holding onto my arms.

"But I lied to you."

"You did what you had to to survive, now why don't you take a seat, I think Mr. Stark will be starting soon."

As if on cue, Tony stood and spoke, "ok so I think the next game that we had on our list last month was charades, so I'm going to need another team captain. Cap, you up for it?" Steve gave a nod and stood up next to him. "Do you want the honors of picking first?"

The two began to separate us into team Iron Man and team Cap, seven people per team. I was aligned with Iron Man, rather excited to play. I had only ever played games with Peter, Ned, and MJ and it was something I was desperately missing. Not to mention, the Avengers had been showing me considerable kindness even after everything I had done.

"Sorry I'm late, I hope I didn't miss too much," a voice spoke as they walked into the room. My heart stopped and I raised my eyes to see Peter standing there, my first time seeing him since graduation. Emotions flooded my body as I stared at him, wanting to say a million things but at the same time not knowing what to say.

His eyes finally landed on me and his face twisted into betrayal, "what is she doing here? If she's playing, I'll just get some pizza and bring it back to my room."

I stood before any of the Avengers could speak, "no, Peter. I-I'm sorry, I'll just go."

"(Y/N), you don't have to go," May spoke up, seeming want to fix my relationship with Peter. "Pete, please be nice to her."

But I could tell that Peter really didn't want me here so I shook my head, "no, really, it's fine. It's his family anyway, not mine. Clint, would you mind escorting me?"

Glancing around at the others, as though for permission, he nodded and stood from his seat, placing his food on the table in front of him. I held onto my own plate as we made our way to the elevator. I glanced over at Peter one last time, but he refused to look up at me. My heart was breaking the longer I spent in his presence with him acting as though I didn't exist and I was relieved when the elevator finally arrived.

I didn't speak a word to Clint as we descended back to my cell, having to use all of my energy to hold back the tears. My eyes were still glistening with them, but I had so far managed to keep them from falling, which I counted as a win considering the sharp pain in my heart.

The doors of the elevator slid open and I briskly walked over to my cell so that I could finally have some privacy. But before I could reach it, Clint grabbed my arm. I turned around to face him, silently begging him to let me go. Could he not see how much pain I was in and how much I just wanted to be left alone?

"I'm really sorry for what happened back there, (Y/N), I know how much Peter means to you. I can't even imagine how much it hurts," he started to try to reassure me, but I interrupted him.

"It's fine, Clint, really. I-I just want to go back in my cell now, if you don't mind," I choked, trying desperately to hold on to the little bit of control that I still had over my emotions.

He gave a small nod and released me, "but you should know, we aren't just Peter's family, we're also yours. And if you ever need anyone to talk to-"

"Thanks Clint, but you should head back to the game, I'd hate to delay your fun. I would wish you luck but we were on opposing teams so I think that would count as some sort of betrayal."

With that, I opened the door to my cell and slid inside, allowing Clint to lock me in for the night. He looked like he wanted to say more, but he respected my wishes to be alone and returned to the elevator. As soon as he was out of sight, I placed my pizza down on the mattress and made my way to the attached bathroom, which was the one place I knew didn't have cameras.

Once safely inside, the tears came in sobs. My entire body shook and I found myself sitting on the ground with my knees pulled into my chest. I didn't realize how much I missed him until I saw him standing there tonight. And seeing him look at me with such anger was too much to bear.

I knew it was my fault. I had let my emotions get the better of me and befriended - no, not just befriended - I fell in love with the one person that I couldn't have. The one person I couldn't reveal my identity to if the need called for it. I was his enemy, that was something I knew, yet I ignored that fact because I selfishly wanted someone to love and the web-slinging hero was the one I had been stupid enough to fall for.


(A/N): Some feels for today because it's about time you two ran into each other even though he is definitely avoiding you. But, hey, at least May is not holding everything against you! Also I hope Peter doesn't come off as too mean here, he just needs more time and space and was not expecting you to be at game night when you were technically still a prisoner and up until recently the Avengers' enemy

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