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Namjoon's POV

"Hand it over!" 


"Hand it over or I'll shoot!" 

"You can't kill me," the other laughs. 

"I can't kill. I won't kill. But I can definitely shoot you to cause pain," I aim my gun at the thief's leg and fire on both sides. 

"Ark!" The thief yells in agony, holding on to his bleeding self though trying his very best to move along. Fails miserably. That's the moment when I quickly run towards him, retrieving the stolen gem. 

"Next time, when I ask nicely, you better listen. Or you'll end up like this. Boys! Take him to the hospital. Make sure he's safe and check for any other stolen items. I'll file a report to the police department." 

"Yes, sir." 

"I'll visit the hospital shortly. Keep a close watch on him." 

"Understood, boss." 

Our Banghock agents and I were in pursuit of this individual attempting to flee with a valuable gem belonging to the company we are assisting. 

Just found out that he's a notorious thief in the city. I'm relieved we caught him before he could escape with the precious gem.

"Hello, Yoongi. I have the gem. Please have Jimin file a report. Now, we only need 5 more to go," I inform him before ending the call. 

With just 5 out of 7 gems left to retrieve, our case will for this key of missing gems will soon come to a close, and another person's life can return to normal. 

As I prepare to drive off, I spot a familiar figure crossing the empty road. He appears anxious for some reason. 

"What is Taehyung doing here?" I asked myself. It's been two months since he started working with us. I must admit, he performs brilliantly. He has managed to maintain contact with Jungkook without raising suspicion, as he mentioned that Jungkook is using him to move on from his past relationship, which I believe is beneficial. 

As long as Taehyung doesn't develop genuine feelings for Jungkook. 

I step out of the car and discreetly follow him. The curiosity just got the best of me. Though I've known him for that long, no doubt that I still am sceptic of him. 

He enters a secluded house. Weird, cause why would he do so? ALone at that. Just as I'm about to follow further, my phone vibrates. 

"Fucking hell. Thank goodness it's just vibrating, I would've get caught." I decide to leave him for the time being, but my curiosity remains piqued. I may ask about this later on. For now, I have work to focus on. I answer my phone the soon I was sure I'm far enough.

"Hyung, we really need Kim Seokjin. It's a direct order from her to have him come to Banghock. She wants no longer over due." 

"Jimin, how is that even possible? What do we intend to do with him? Why does she insist on having him here so badly?" 

"I really know too, hyung. But she's adamant about his presence. She said that he's the most crucial piece of the puzzle. If we can't get him, I think I know of someone who might be able to lure him to come. Or if you prefer a simpler route, we could consider another kidnapping." 

"No more kidnappings, I swear. We are not criminals or bad guys. We work for the police government, we shouldn't do anything stupid by abusing our power. Who do you think can help us?"


"You called?" 

"You're late." 

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐬 || 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧✔️Where stories live. Discover now