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Seokjin's POV

"Hyung, it's Saturday. Aren't you going home? Why aren't you packing yet?" Hobi askedd, busy packing up his own belongings to leave Banghock for some freedom outside. 

"I packed yesterday. Could you help me bring my stuff? I'm going out with Tae."

"Can't I third wheel?" 

"No, Hobi. Besides, it's our first date. I'm kind of nervous but I'll manage. I've made breakfast for you. It's on the kitchen island, so don't let it go cold. It's best when it's fresh and hot." 

"Oooo, breakfast made by Hyung. Now we're talking!" Hobi abandoned his packing to head to the kitchen, with me following. 

He stuffed a piece of bread into his mouth, cheeks puffed out. 

Aren't chu gonna eat shome?" he mumbled.I chuckled at his adorable silliness. 

"Don't talk with your mouth full, big guy. No, I think I'll just have a drink." 

"Too excited for the date?" Hobi teased. 

"More like worry. What if it's not safe outside anymore? It's strange to say, but I feel safer within Banghock. With all the chaos, which includes us, at this point, I don't know if our surroundings are still as safe as before." 

"You have a point there."

I looked at him, my mind wandering. The question lingered: will we ever escape this this situation? 

"Don't think about it too much. Just go and enjoy your date with him. I'll make sure the house is cleaned before you return. Perhaps even prepare the bed for you both to—" 

"Yah! One more word and I'll cut your dick off." 

"Noooo. Not my divine gift. This dick is big, is a prized possession. I need it for good fucks" he teased. 

"Yet, you're still a virgin."

"Planning to wait until marriage."

"Wow, so pure," I chuckled. 

"Shut it." 

"I need to go noq. It's already 10:30." 

Returning to my room, I gathered my belongings and threw on a cardigan. Today's outfit was different from my usual attire... Today, I'm going with a special cause... this is my first date with Taehyung,  and his first date ever. I wanted it to be memorable, something he would cherish forever even in the afterlife. 

Even if, IF, we break up and his next and next and next will never be able to surpass me, his greatest ex, greatest boyfriend of all time.

"Don't forget my things, lock the doors, and stay keep an eye on your surroundings. Don't open the door if there's a knock. Bring a gun with you. And remember to—"

"Hyung! I'm 23. I know what to do."

 I sighed, "I know. But you'll always be my precious little one." 

"Bye, hyung." 

"Alright, alright, I'll go. Just remember what I told you," I reminded him.As he starts to push me from behind. Wanting me out immediately. 

"I will remember, hyung. Now please please. My poor ears need resting," he urged, pushing me out of our shared suite. 

"Goodbye," he said as the door closed in my face. 

That brat. 

I straightened myself and made my way to the garden as promised.Upon arrival, I spotted a figure seated on a bench, it has me wondering why the stare upon me. 

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐬 || 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧✔️Where stories live. Discover now