Meeting The New Guy

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Nicki's P.O.V

I'm leaving my house to go to an emergency meeting with my team, Young Money Cash Money and we're supposed to be meeting this new guy. I hope he doesn't flirt with me because I just dumped my ex Safaree for cheating on me. I'm taking my daughter, Lacinda (She's 14 yrs old and I had her when I was 14 and her father is some guy named Aubrey and she looks just like her dad)to school and she is running late, again.

Nicki-(Yelling from downstairs) Lacinda Aubrey Grahmn, come on! We gots to go!

Lacinda- ( Listening to music and not giving a care what her mom is saying to her )

Nicki-( Going up to Lacinda's room and slapping her in the face ) Let's go!

Lacinda- I'm coming, but my song was on the radio. Things would be better if I had a dad, but NO!!!! You had to date all these guys that hurt and cheat you and dump your sorry behind! I hope you're happy.

Nicki- You need to check yourself before you have to stay with your dad. ( Honestly, IDK where he is, but I do know his mom and dad )

Lacinda- Well, I'm coming.( Putting her stuff in her purse and getting into Nicki's car )

As I'm getting into my car with Lacinda, I see this cute light skinned, tall guy that was staring at me a lot.

Lacinda- Come on Ma, I have vocal lessons today and I don't wanna be late.

Nicki- ( Still staring at the guy ) Yea, ok

( At Lacinda's School )

Nicki- Have fun at school, Laya.

Lacinda- ( Rolling her eyes ) Ok, but pick me up at Derrick's ( Derrick is Lacinda's half brother who is 19 and on Aubrey's side of the family ) because he taking me to a carnival.

Drake's P.O.V

Man, I can't believe that I am living next door to Nicki and my daughter. I still miss and love her and I need her. When she gets to that meeting, she is going to freak!

Drake-( On the phone with Derrick ) Look, son....Ok, you're taking her where.....I'll meet you there....Bye D ( Hangs up phone )

At the meeting.......

Birdman- Drake, I want you to meet the team. Nicki, Lil Wayne, Tyga, and me, the Co founder of this label

Drake- Nice to meet everyone

( After Drake's first day, Nicki and Drake talked by her car )

Drake- Long time, no see Ms. Onika. So how's my kid?

Nicki- Lacinda is fine, Aubrey , but you need to start being in her life more. She really needs a good father because she hated my last boyfriend.

Drake- Who? That douche bag that dumped and cheated on you for some random person.

Nicki- Yea, and she really wants to meet you. Can you please just meet up with Derrick and take her to the carnival with him?

Drake- Ok. ( Kisses Nicki's lips ) I'll see you later.

Nicki- Bye

Author's Note : The girl in the photo is Lacinda.

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