2 New Family Members

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Nicki's P.O.V

I opened the door and saw a small little girl with a baby in her arms. The girl had bruises all over her and the baby's blanket was drenched in blood.

???- Can you please help us? That mean lady in the car wants us to go with her and she beat me with a belt with spikes and they were very sharp.

Nicki- Ok, you can stay with me and my husband as  long as you want to. What's your name?

Tanisha- My name is Tanisha, and this is my baby brother, Xavier. ( Hands Xavier to Nicki )

Nicki- He's beautiful. ( Kisses Xavier )

Xavier- ( Laughing and kicking )

Nicki- Well, come inside and is there anything you want?

Tanisha- Food and new clothes, please. ( Comes inside the house )

Nicki- Anything else?

Tanisha- Some toys and a crib for Xavier.

Nicki- Well, I'll buy even more than that for you both. Right now, Xavier has to sleep in my new nursery for my own sons. You have to sleep in my oldest daughter's old room.

Tanisha- Well, ok. But he wakes up at night a lot. I have a bag of his formula and some diapers. We should go to the store to buy some other items.

Nicki- Ok. I got you a shirt that you can wear for the night. ( Hands her the shirt )

Tanisha- Thank you. ( Goes up to Lacinda's room )

Drake- ( Walks downstairs ) Baby, who was that little-gco

Nicki- That's Tanisha and this little boy ( Shows him Xavier ) is Xavier.

Drake- Ok, I was just checking up on you. You wanna go to bed?

Nicki- I have to put him down to bed, then I will be right next to you.

Drake- Ok, I will handle him. You go to bed, okay? ( Gets Xavier and rocks him to bed )

Nicki- Ok, but don't take too long. ( Goes up to bed )

Lacinda's P.O.V

Me and Iris are playing Just Dance 2015 and she is beating me at " Bang Bang ". I mean, I'm losing to a 4 year old and this is really sad.

Lacinda- ( Panting and whining ) Can we please take a break?

Iris- Sure, Aunty. I understand that you are carrying children and you need rest. ( Pauses the game )

Lacinda- ( Sitting down on the couch ) That was painful playing and losing to you.

Iris- Don't worry. I've beaten my mom and dad a lot of times.

Lacinda- Ok, but let me call my mom. ( On the phone with Nicki ) Hey Ma.....Wait, who's crying?.....A baby!......I have what?!.....Ma, look I'm really confused. Start from the beginning................................Now, I understand........Ok, we'll be there in a few...Bye ( Hangs up phone )

Iris- What's wrong?

Lacinda- Me and you are about to visit my mom and dad. Your mom and my boyfriend is asleep, so we can leave. Go put your coat and shoes on, so we can leave.

Iris- Ok. ( Goes put on her stuff )

Drake's P.O.V

I'm feeding Xavier and Nicki is doing Tanisha's hair and watching T.V. It's hard getting adjusted to this new family, but I'm getting the hang of it.

Tanisha- ( Touching her head ) Ow, Mommy! That really hurts me.

Nicki- I'm sorry, sweety. It's just that your hair is very thick and I can hardly straighten your hair with flat iron.

Drake- ( Walking to the couch ) So, what are we watching?

Nicki- Judge Judy!!!!!!!!

Drake- No, we not! That stuff is boring to men. Isn't that right, Xavier?

Xavier- ( Jumping up and down on his new bouncer )

Tanisha- Daddy, he's a baby. He can't talk.

Drake- Correct. But, he still takes my side.

Nicki- Tanisha, your hair is done. ( It's flat ironed and it has a big bow in it.

Tanisha- Thanks, Mommy. Daddy, how do I look?

Drake- ( Thumbs up )

Tanisha- Thanks, Dad.

Lacinda- ( Walking in the house ) Hey, family!

Nicki- Hi, my baby! ( Hugs her ) Who's the little girl?

Lacinda- That's Iris, my niece.

Iris- Hi.

Nicki- Well, hi Ms. Iris. I'm Nicki.

Tanisha- ( Walking over ) Mommy, can you take a picture of my hairstyle? Oh, hi.

Nicki- Lacinda, meet my new daughter, Tanisha.

Lacinda- Hi. How are you?

Tanisha- Hi, Sissy. ( Kisses Lacinda's cheek ) We're going to be best friends.

Lacinda- I know, you already made me wanna be your best friend.

Tanisha- Well, hello Iris. ( Shakes here hand)

Iris- Hi, NiNi. That's your new nickname.

Tanisha- Iris, that is is a great nickname for me.

Iris- I know. Do you wanna play with me?

Tanisha- I have some dolls upstairs in my Barbie dreamhouse and I have a car to go with it.

Iris- That sounds very cool. Aunty, can I go upstairs to play with Tanisha?

Lacinda- Yea, sure. I have to talk to my mom anyway.

Tanisha- Ok, bye Mommy and Sissy. Let's go Iris, so we can start playing. ( Grabs Iris's hand and takes her up stairs )

Nicki's P.O.V

I really hope that Lacinda can accept her new brother and sister because now that I have them, I won't feel so lonely right now.

Nicki- Laya, before you say anything, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier-gco

Lacinda- Mom, it's fine. I will be fine as long as I have my children and I finally have siblings that I can take care of and protect.

Nicki- Oh, thanks Honey. Now, I have a second chance, this time

Lacinda- Mom, this time be more protective of her and make sure that she takes precaution when it comes to boys.

Nicki- I will and I will spend all the time I can with her.

Lacinda- Thanks, Ma. Now, can I see Xavier?

Drake- ( Walking in and holding Xavier ) You mean, this little guy?

Lacinda- He's so cute. ( Holds Xavier )

Xavier- ( Laughing )

Nicki- He does that when he's excited.

Lacinda- Well, he must be real excited to see me then.

Rihanna's P.O.V

I'm the lady in that black Range Rover and I will finally have Drake all to myself and he will be mine! Tanisha and Xavier are my kids that I had with Chris Brown, but he dumped me and I abused Tanisha daily to get her to shut up about my plans to get Drake back and convince him that I love him more than Nicki. He will be mine!!!!!

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