Another Little One

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Drake's P.O.V

I'm trying to find Lacinda and when I get in the house, I see Nicki holding something in her hands.

Drake- Hey, baby. You ok?

Nicki- No.

Drake- Why? ( Walks Nicki to the couch and sits down next to her )

Nicki- I'm having another child.

Drake- ( Smiling ) I knew it. So, you think I can move in to help you take care of it?

Nicki- Sure. All of your stuff is here, anyway.

Drake- Well, we need to solve another problem. Lacinda is scared of her ex and he said she would end up like some girl JeNae if she doesn't answer him tonight.

Nicki- ( Standing up and takes Drake's hand ) Let's go talk to her and find out this problem together.

Lacinda's P.O.V

Lacinda- ( Talking on the phone with Alexander ) I hate you!....Leave me alone and don't expect me to be with you again because my Dad banned you from me.....Bye.....I'm not coming to your place tonight and we're through this time. ...( Hangs up phone )

Nicki and Drake-( Entering Lacinda's room)

Lacinda- ( Crying ) Ma, Dad, Al's gonna rape me!

Drake- Is that what he did to JeNae?

Lacinda- Me and JeNae were best friends and we did everything together. When her and Alex started dating, she would come to school with bruises and cuts. Then she told me about his abusive ways towards her and he raped her for punishment and she got pregnant. She moved away with her parents and we never spoke again. I miss her so much.

Nicki- Honey, does he hit you?

Lacinda- Yes and he has affairs with other girls and one time he kissed a girl at a party in front of me. I hate him and now I'm going to end up like JeNae.

Alexander's P.O.V

I'm going to my ex house to deal with her and I'm bringing a friend with me to handle her mom.

Alexander- Yo, Safaree! We gotta go!

Safaree- I'm here. Now, remember the plan. As soon as Drake leaves, you climb up to Lacinda's room patio and handle her. I'll handle her mom because she know me a lot.

Alexander-  Alright, let's bounce!

Drake's P.O.V

Drake- Nicki- I'm going to work and I won't be back until 9:45.

Nicki- Be safe, okay?

Drake- Ok

I'm getting in my car with a bad feeling about tonight.

Lacinda's P.O.V

I'm just getting out the shower and then I hear a noise coming from my patio.

Lacinda- Is anyone there?

Alexander- ( Entering Lacinda's room ) Well well well, if it isn't the girl who tried to leave me?

Lacinda- Go away! I'm calling my mom!

Alexander- ( Removing Lacinda's towel and pointing a gun at her torso ) Don't even think about it.  Safaree is handling her. Now here's what is going to happen. You are going to kiss me and take me back and not say a word. Trust me. If you don't , I will signal Safaree to shoot your mom. Got it?!

Lacinda- Why can't you leave me alone and go to Danice, Carla, or Semina?

Alexander- You're my property and you are the only one that isn't smart about her choices when it comes to men.

Lacinda- ( Crying )

Alexander- ( Slapping her in the face ) I told you to shush!

Lacinda- You know what?! I'm not dealing with this anymore. Leave now or regret it later.

Drake- ( Walking in with a gun ) Alex, you have 3 seconds  to leave my daughter's room or I will hurt you.

Alex- ( Runs out the room )

Nicki's P.O.V

Before Drake arrived, Safaree was about to rape me and it all started when I was in the bathroom, wiping off all my makeup.

( Window smashing )

Nicki- ( Coming out the bathroom ) Who's there?!

Safaree- Baby, how are you? ( Pushing Nicki on the floor and starts undressing her ) Oh baby, you must miss this.

Nicki- Get away from me! ( Punching his jaw )

Safaree- That's it. I'm tired of you fighting all the time. ( Picking her up and throwing her against the wall ) Now, shut up and let me handle my business ( By now, Nicki is naked and Safaree is tying her up )

Nicki- My fiance will be back and you will be gone in a heartbeat.

Drake comes behind Safaree and almost chokes him to death until I starts crying.

Drake- I'm coming, baby.

Nicki- Oh, baby help me. ( Struggling to get out )

As Drake let me go free and took off his shirt and put it on me, I heard my daughter crying and Alexander ran out the door when Drake yelled at him and Lacinda kept crying.

Drake- Laya, what's wrong?

Lacinda- I'm pregnant by this boy named Jake.

Nicki- No, this can't be happening to me. ( Crying on Drake's shoulder )

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