Baby Shower

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Lacinda's P.O.V

Well, today's my baby shower and I'm waking up Iris because she stayed with me for the night. I really hope that my parents do a good job with it.

Lacinda- ( Shaking Iris ) Iris, can you wake up?

Iris- ( Waking up ) I'm up, Aunty. Now, can I get ready with NiNi?

Lacinda- Yes, you can.

Tanisha- ( Walking in the room ) Good morning, people. We have to get ready for my Sissy's baby shower.

Iris- I'm coming, plus I need some clothes.

Tanisha- You can borrow some of my clothes.

Iris- Thank you.

Tanisha- No problem. Now, let's go get changed and leave my Sissy and her man so they can get dressed.

Iris- Ok. Let's go. ( Runs out the room with Tanisha )

Nicki's P.O.V.

I'm waking up with no Drake at my side. Well, today's my daughter's baby shower and I am super excited. I'm going downstairs to see Drake making breakfast.

Drake- Good morning, Onika.

Nicki- ( Wraps her arms around his waist ) Hi Aubrey. What are you making for me?

Drake- Waffles, sausage, bacon, and eggs.

Nicki- That sounds very yummy and I'm going to need it. I have a lot to do for Lacinda's baby shower.

Drake- You will be fine and I hope you can relax after this.

Nicki- I will and we'll be a family. Do you have to work next week?

Drake- Nope, I'm all yours. Have you planned anything?

Nicki- Well, no. I just wanted to tell you that I want to spend time with you more and that you need a break from work.

Drake- ( Turning to her ) I'll stay with you as long as you want me to.

Nicki- Ok. I love you. ( Kisses Drake's lips )

Tanisha- ( Walking in the kitchen ) Man, yall nasty.

Drake- ( Pulling away from the kiss ) Oh, we're sorry. But, you should blame your Mommy.

Nicki- ( Gasps ) Why me?!

Drake- You're the one that kissed me first.

Tanisha- Well, can someone please feed me?

Nicki- ( Handing her a plate ) Here you go, Tanisha.

Tanisha- Thanks for food. ( Walks to the table )

Nicki- Well, I guess we should get dressed.

Drake- Ok, but first ( Picks up Nicki bridal style )

Lacinda's P.O.V

Well, my baby shower is starting and all my friends are here and me and Jake are excited.

Nicki- Ok, which gift do you want first?

Lacinda- The one with the purple bow.

Nicki- Ok. ( Hands her the gift ) Here you go.

Lacinda- ( Opens the gift ) Aww, it's matching outfits for the triplets. Who is it from?

JeNae- Well, it's from me and A.J.

Lacinda- Well, thank you for the outfits.

Lacinda- Okay, Mommy. Where's the next gift?

Nicki- Well, here's one from Mama Sandi.

Mama Sandi- ( Walking in and hugging Lacinda ) Surprise, Laya!

Lacinda- Hi, Nana!

Drake- Ma, what are you doing here?

Mama Sandi- Well, I couldn't miss my granddaughter's baby shower. I also bought you a triple stroller for the kids.

Lacinda- Thanks, Nana. You're the best.

Mama Sandi- I know.

Lacinda- The next gift?

Nicki- Well, there's a pink giant one?

Lacinda- Is it yours and Dad's gift?

Nicki- Man, you ruined the surprise!

Drake- She knows pink is your favorite color.

Lacinda- You're really bad at this.

Nicki- Well, just open the gift.

Lacinda- ( Opens the gift ) Oh, thank you for the rocker.

Drake- You're totally welcome.

Nicki- Well, which one next?

3 Hours Later.......

Lacinda- Is that all the gifts?

Nicki- Yes, now we can go home.

Lacinda- Ok. ( Stands up, only to see liquid traveling down her leg and feeling pain )

Jake- Baby, there's something on your leg.

Lacinda- Mom, I'm going into labor!

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