Why me...

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As we walk to a different bar two blocks over and conversation swirls around me all I can think is, why me. I'm not listening as Oliver's friends flirt with the girls because I'm lost in my own thoughts. I'm trying to process the fact that the man that I spent the last two years with just up and dumped me like I was nobody important. Add to that the fact that on that very same night, Oliver suddenly reappears in my life and brings back all kinds of memories. Good and bad. There are so many good, happy memories associated with Ollie but there is also an unbelievable amount of pain. I don't know if I can handle this. A chill runs through me despite the pleasant Spring temperatures.

We make it to one of the rooftop bars downtown overlooking the Ohio River. The view is spectacular and even though I've seen it dozens of times I can't stop myself from taking a minute to appreciate it. The bar is less crowded than I would have thought considering it's a Friday night. Oliver tells everyone that the first round is on him and asks what everyone is drinking. "A shot of tequila and a beer for me, please." He just looks at me for a minute and I can't tell exactly what he's thinking but I have a feeling it has something to do with how tequila is known to make me a little wild. Ok, more than a little. Oh well, I deserve it after the night I'm having.

Everyone else says that they'll have the same. We all make small talk until Oliver returns with our drinks. His friends are nice and they all seem to have a great sense of humor. Hunter was in the middle of telling us a hilarious story about a rouge faucet in a restaurant while he was on a blind date when Oliver returned with our drinks. We raise our shots in a toast and then throw our heads back in unison. The tequila feels warm going down and that combined with the beer and drinks I had earlier I soon start to relax and loosen up.

Kate says it's time to get back to dancing so we make our way to the edge of the dance floor. The guys remain at the table to watch us for a while and I can feel Oliver's eyes on me but I try to not think about it. Millie ends up going over and pulling Hunter out of his seat to join us. Soon all of the guys are dancing with us. I still haven't looked at Ollie, I can't. I can't see the look that I know is in my eyes, I'll fall apart. So I close my eyes and get lost in the music and the warmth of the alcohol.

After a few minutes, I feel him right behind me. I know without a shadow of a doubt that it's him. I keep my eyes closed and just keep swaying. He slowly moves closer and places his hand on my hip and he pulls me back towards him. He pulls my hair to the side and lowers his head so his mouth is right by my ear. I feel his breath as he says something in my ear. I can't make out what it is because I'm torn between the undeniable desire I feel for him and the overwhelming panic that is building in my chest. I freeze with my eyes still closed and I start to breathe heavily. He turns me around and places his hand on my cheek. "Lily." My eyes are still closed. "Lily. Look at me." I open them and he has a look that is so tender and so Ollie that I turn and run.

I run until I'm down on the street. I pull my phone out to get myself an Uber. I need to get out of here. This night has just been too much. Too many emotions that I just can't handle right now. I'm in luck because there's an Uber close by and I make it out of there before anyone finds me. I text the girls.

I'm ok. I just need some time alone to clear my head. I'll call you guys tomorrow. Have fun. Love you.

They respond, telling me that they love me too and to call them if I need anything.

Once I make it home, I immediately strip down before crawling into my cozy bed. Exhausted, I fall asleep instantly but am suddenly jolted awake at 4 AM by a cold sweat brought on by a terrible nightmare. The nightmares one I've had more times than I can count but it's been a long time since I've had it. I thought I'd moved past the worst of the trauma but I guess not. The return of the nightmare leaves me feeling unsettled and unable to go back to sleep. After tossing and turning for an hour, I give up and decide to throw on some workout clothes. Normally I go out for a run, however, it's still dark out so ai opt for the treadmill instead. Five miles later, I hop in the shower and dress in comfortable shorts and a tank top, letting my hair air dry. Feeling slightly more relaxed and refreshed, I head to the kitchen to make breakfast and sit at my kitcken island to eat before loading up the dishwasher. As I head back to my room to try and get some more sleep, I can't help but wonder why this nightmare has come back after so long. I have a feeling it has to do with the other thing from my past that recently returned unexpectedly.

I wake to the sound of my phone ringing. I look at it and see that it's Kate. I debate whether I should answer it or not because I don't want to talk about what happened last night. But I know if I don't she'll just call the girls and they'll all show up here. Unfortunately, I made the bad decision to give them all keys to my house, so there would be no stopping them. I sit up and when I look at the time I'm surprised to see that's noon.  I let out a breath and answer the phone.

"Were you sleeping?" She asks surprised.

"Yes, I woke up at four and couldn't go back to sleep so I worked out, showered, ate, and then went back to bed around seven." She was quiet. "Kate?"

"Lily, I'm sorry. I had too much to drink and I wasn't thinking and I gave Oliver your phone number." There's a brief pause. "And your address."

Well shit

Just then I hear my doorbell ring. No fucking way.

"Kate, I will kill you." As I go to hang up on her I hear her yelling how sorry she is. Oh, she'll be sorry alright.

I stay in my bed hoping that he'll just go away. Then my phone dings and I see a text from an unknown number.

Lily, I know you're home. Open the door, please.

I throw my covers off me. "Fuck it."

I walk straight to the door and throw it open without even thinking about the fact that I just rolled out of bed and I am now standing in front of Oliver in a tank top, no bra, short shorts, bare feet, and major bedhead. His eyes open wide and he just stares for a minute until he clears his throat. "Thank you for opening the door. May I come in?" I step to the side and he walks past me.

He looks good. Damn good. He's wearing jeans that hang low on his hips but hug his exceptional ass just right. He has a black t-shirt that fits nicely across his chest haphazardly tucked into his jeans in the front, a black belt, and black shoes. He has a nice-looking watch on his left wrist along with two leather bracelets stacked on his right. He can pull it off. He smells like a mix of sandalwood and something musky and it makes him smell delicious.

He continues to just stare at me and I finally look down and realize why. My tank top is white and my dark nipples are very hard and can very easily be seen through the thin fabric.

"Fuck." I throw my arms across my chest. "Excuse me. Have a seat. I'll be right back." I race back to my room and rip my tank top off over my head as I'm running, I trip over the basket of clean clothes that I never got around to putting away. I go down hard and hit my head on the nightstand.


I hear footsteps in the hall. I'm trying to get up and get my shirt back on but I'm not quick enough.

"Jesus Christ, Lily. Stop, let me help you." He grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it down. I feel his knuckles on my bare skin as he does. I instantly feel the dampness between my legs. I also feel a throbbing pain in my head.

Only You (Second Chances Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now