I'm woken up in the middle of the night by my mom. Oliver's had a seizure caused by a high fever. He most likely has an infection. They've started antibiotics and are doing blood work to figure out what exactly is going on.
"Who's with him? Can I go be with him?"
"His parents are in there now. The nurse just went to get someone to take you up."
"Is everyone still here?"
"Yes. Millie and Hunter ran to your house earlier but they're back now. They got your things and checked on Milo. He's doing okay. The neighbors kids are giving him all the attention he could ever ask for."
"Okay good. Tell Hunter and Millie thank you from me please."
They come and take me to Oliver. His parents give me some time alone with him and then they take turns coming and going.
Morning comes around and I'm technically released from the hospital after a final exam. I change into clothes that Millie picked out and go right back to Oliver.
By late afternoon there's a knock at the door and it's officer Jones asking me to step out into the hall. Officer Wilson is also there.
"How are you holding up Miss Michaels? "
"I'll be much better when Oliver wakes up. What can I do for you gentlemen?" I dont want to be rude but I want to get back to Oliver.
"We have news about Mr Roberts. He passed away this morning from complications from his gunshot wound."
I should feel relieved. It's truly over. I never need to worry about that piece of shit again in my life. But again, I'm numb. Until Ollies awake and okay I feel like I can't feel anything.
"Thank you for letting me know." With that I turn and go back to Oliver.
By late evening Ollie's fever has broken and it seems the antibiotics are working. The doctors are very optimistic that as long as he wakes up in the next day or two he should make a full recovery. The longer he's in a coma the more likely it is that he could have lasting problems.
I refuse to leave the hospital no matter how much everyone bags. The following afternoon I do finally agree to leave him long enough to go to the cafeteria and eat a little something. I don't even remember the last real meal I had. The girls all go with me.
Emma takes my hand. "How are you holding up?"
"I'm fine." I'm so far from fine but I don't want to talk. I eat a few french fries and they turn sour in my stomach. I take a muffin back to Oliver's room with me and I promise the girls I'll eat it later.
Sunday comes and Oliver has been unconscious since Wednesday evening. I know we're getting into dangerous territory and that he needs to wake up. They were able to remove his breathing tube. He's breathing on his own, no fever and no reason whatsoever that he shouldn't be awake. I'm alone with him sitting on the bed with my head on his chest.
"Ollie, please. I need you. I cant do this a lone." I sit up and look at his face. "Oliver! Wake up! Please!" I'm suddenly losing control. I can't take it anymore. The tears are back. "Oliver!" I push on him. Im so mad. He can't leave me. Not now.
Olivers parents and a nurse come into the room. Ollies dad trys to pull me away from Oliver.
"Lily, come on lets go for a walk."
I turn on him. "No! He needs to wake up. Oliver, please. I need you." I just continue to scream at him. A doctor comes into the room.
"Miss Michaels you need to calm down. Please come with us and let my look you over. I can give you something to calm you down."
"I dont want drugs. I want Oliver! Ollie please." Im holding on to him tight. The doctor and nurse come over to pull me off him.
"No! Ollie please."
"Miss Michaels-"
"Leave her alone." Its barely a whisper and his voice sounds horse.
"Oh my god. Oliver!" I kiss him and then I rest my forhead against his. "I love you."
His hand comes up and wrapes around me. "I love you, honey."
"You scared me to death. You cant ever do that to me again. Okay?"
"I'll try my hardest to never get shot again."
Olivers mom and dad are on the other side of the bed crying.
"Mom, dad. Sorry to scare you guys."
"I knew you weren't going anywhere son." His dad leans forward and kisses his head.
"While I had complete faith in you Oliver you did scare me to death." She also kisses him.
The doctor asks them to step out while he exams Oliver. Oliver and I both refuse when he asks me to go. Neither of us wants to be out of each others sight right now.
Everything looks good but they'll run more blood work and do a brain scan just to make sure. They will move him to a regular room once the results are back. In the meantime they want him up and moving as soon as possible.
The doctor and nurses all leave the room and its just me and Ollie.
"Lily, are you okay? How bad did he hurt you? Where is he?"
"I have a broken hand, stitches, a concussion and some bumps and bruises but I'm okay Ollie. Thanks to you. You got there just in time."
"So he didn't?"
"No, he started to do things but he didn't get very far. We can talk about all of that later. He's dead Ollie. The cops eventually found him and gunfire was exchanged. They brought him here but he died on Thursday. Its over. He's out of our lives for good."
"Thank god for that."
"Yes thank god for that. Oliver, I really was scared. I didn't think you were ever going to wake up." The tears are back.
"Baby come here." I crawl into bed with him and he holds me. After I've calmed down some I lean on my elbow so we're face to face.
"Oliver, I'm pregnant."

Only You (Second Chances Series Book 1)
Romance**Completed ** **Book 1 in a series involving the same group of friends** **strong sexual content** **some chapters may be triggering or hard to read for some as the contain sexual assault and rape** Lily Michaels thought she had moved on. She thoug...