First date (this time around)...

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I leave Lily in my bathroom and sneak out the front door of the house to sit on the front porch. I just need a minute. My stomach turns every time I think about those pictures. I can't believe she went through that and I wasn't there for her. I'm so angry that I just want to hit something. I get up and start to pace around the yard. I run my fingers through my hair and I want to scream.

I here the door open and Andrew walks out. "Hey, man. How are you holding up?"

I let out a sad laugh, "I'm hanging on by a thread man. She told me about the rape and about her injuries but to actually see them...I can't unsee them now Andrew. Every time I close my eyes I see what that asshole did to her and I want to kill him. Andrew, it was bad. And I wasn't there for her. I don't know how she survived that. I am so unbelievably pissed off and I just want to beat the shit out of someone." By now my hair's standing on end from me pulling on it so much and I'm starting to breath heavy and I'm pretty sure I'm crying again.

"Hey, Oliver!" Andrew grabs me by the shoulders. "Man, I can not imagine what you're going through right now but I do know you have every right to be pissed off and upset. But you do not get to feel guilty about the fact that it happened or that you weren't there for her after. That was her call. That is not on you. You're here for her now and that's all you can do."

"What if he gets out? What if he gets out and he did recognize her? How am I going to keep her safe? I swear to god if he lays another hand on her I will kill him."

"Ollie, we will deal with that if and when the time comes. Hopefully it doesn't happen. Come on, let's go inside. Lily should be done in the shower by now."

I follow him inside and he's right. When we walk inside Lily's standing at the kitchen island making herself food. I walk up behind her and kiss the top of her head before grabbing food of my own.

We all sit and eat. Things are a little awkward at first. No one really knows what to say but after a few minutes everyone relaxes and conversation flows easily. When we're done everyone offers to help clean up but I tell them I've got it. So everyone gets ready to head out.

Noah asks, "You coming into the office tomorrow?"

I look over at Lily and she nods her head yes and says, "I'm going into the office in the morning and then I need to come here and work on some things. You do still want me to decorate for you right?"

"Of course I do. Yes, Noah I'll be in in the morning. Thank you everyone for your help today. Millie, you'll keep us posted?"

"Of course I will. And no thanks are necessary. We are always here for our girl. And now I guess we are also here for you so don't hesitate to call." Millie goes up on her toes and kisses my check and then goes and gives Lily and big hug.

Everyone else says their goodbyes and Lily and I are alone again. "I'm going to clean up the kitchen, why dont you pick a movie and I'll join you as soon as I'm done."

"No, I can help you and then can we go pick a movie in your room?"

"Whatever you want." So we go clean the kitchen together and then head into the bedroom. We take turns in the bathroom and then climb into bed naked. She tells me its my turn to pick a movie so I pick a comedy. I figure we could use a little laughter about now.

We watch the movie and then both of us fall alseep pretty easily. It's been an emotionally draining day.

The rest of the week goes by relatively quickly. When the weekend comes around and I decide I need to take her on a proper date so I call her Friday afternoon and make plans.

"Good afternoon gorgeous. I'm calling to officially ask you out on a date tomorrow night. What do you say?"

"Hello Ollie. I would love to. What do you have in mind?"

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