After Ollie and I both recover a little we quickly clean up. The water is definitely getting cold so we hurry. He takes a towel and dries me off.
He asks, "How are you feeling? Your stomach still ok?"
"Yes, I'm feeling fine." Its the truth, surprisingly. Not the alcohol part. I've always been very fortunate that I rarely feel hungover. The fact that I'm okay with what just happened surprises the crap out of me though. It probably shouldn't considering I've always felt comfortable with Ollie.
"Why don't you climb in bed and I'll grab you some asprin just to be on the safe side so you don't wake with a killer headache."
I tell him thank you and go climb into his bed naked. He comes in with two aspirin and hands me the water that he must of put on the nightstand earlier. I take the pills and he takes the water back. I lay down in the bed and am so comfortable and sedated that I feel my eyes get heavy right away. Ollie is just standing in the same spot looking at me.
"Are you coming to bed?"
"Do you want me to come to bed or would you rather I sleep in the guest room?"
"Come to bed Ollie. Please." He does as I ask and gets under the covers. I curl up against his side and put my head on his chest. He wraps his arm around me and places a kiss on my forehead. I fall asleep to him lightly running his finger up and down my back.
I wake up and it takes a minute to realize where I am. I roll over and see that the bed is empty next to me. Then I find the clock on the nightstand and see that it's eight thirty. I jump out of bed and as I go running to find clothes I stub my toe on the bench Oliver has at the end of the bend. "Shit!" I'm doing a little dance hoping on one foot when Ollie walks in holding a coffee cup in his. He must of showered because his hair still looks damp. He's in a pair of jeans and nothing else.
"Well this is a sight I could get use to every morning. Are you okay?"
"I stubbed my damn toe. Damn, that hurt. Ollie, where are my clothes? Can you take me home. I'm suppose to be somewhere at ten. Shit, I'm going to be late."
"Lily, breathe. Yes, I can take you home as soon as you're ready. I put all your stuff in bathroom this morning." He moves closer and puts his arm around my waist so he can pull me close. He kisses me lightly on the mouth. "Good morning beautiful. Take this coffee, go get dressed and I'll meet you in the kitchen."
"Thank you." I take the coffee, kiss him back and head into the bathroom.
I quickly use the bathroom. Then I splash water on my face, brush my hair and put it in a ponytail. I borrow Ollies toothbrush and throw on my dress from last night. When I get to the kitchen I see Ollie has thrown on a t-shirt and sneakers. There's two to go cups of coffee on the counter. He hands me my baithing suit and I throw it in my bag. I take the coffee he hands me and we head out the door to the garage. We take his Lexus instead of the truck. His house is about fifteen minutes from mine so by the time we get there I'll have just enough time to change into different clothes and go.
"I borrowed your toothbrush. I hope you don't mind."
He chuckles. "No I don't mind. You can borrow it anytime. So where do you have to be this morning?"
"I volunteer at a women's shelter every Saturday. I've been doing it for almost six years now."
"Thats great Lil. What made you decide to get into it?"
"I just wanted to give back in some way and that was an area where I thought I could do some good." That's true but also my therapist recommended that I try working with women who have been through the same thing as me. She was right. Its helped me tremendously. "I heard from my mom that you did a lot work with the children's hospital in Chicago. Any interest in continuing that work here?"

Only You (Second Chances Series Book 1)
Romance**Completed ** **Book 1 in a series involving the same group of friends** **strong sexual content** **some chapters may be triggering or hard to read for some as the contain sexual assault and rape** Lily Michaels thought she had moved on. She thoug...