I'll never look at that table the same way again...

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Telling my parents what happened to Lily has me all worked up again. Every time I think about it my chest hurts and I just want to break something. So I take a few minutes just sitting in my office to calm myself before heading out to help Lily with lunch.

She's standing at the island putting food together when I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her. I kiss the top of her head and I just hold her for a minute. She puts down the spoon and turns in my arms. She holds onto me, it's like she knows I just need a minute. Finally, I pull back and kiss he lightly on the lips.

"So what did you decide on for lunch?

"Chicken salad wraps. I'm almost done. Why don't you grab us some drinks while I finish up."

"Deal. So how did your parents take the news of us living in sin?"

She laughs, "They took it well. Although they were a little disappointed."

I was about to grab sweet tea from the fridge when I stop in my tracks. "Really? Why, I thought they liked me?"

"Of course they like you Ollie. Its not that."

"Then what it is it? I've never known your parents to be prudes about this kind of thing."

Again she laughs, "My parents definitely aren't prudes. Its nothing. Forget I mentioned it. They would like to have dinner to celebrate. I told them I would like to have them here to show them the house, if that's okay with you?"

"Of course its okay but I really would like to know whats going on before I have to sit through dinner with them." I just stare at her until she finally breaks.

"Fine! They were disappointed because they thought I was going to tell them that we were engaged, not just moving in together. Apparently they've always known we belong together and want us to get a move on it already."

She isn't looking at me so I can't tell if she doesnt like the idea of marring me or what.

"Lily, look at me." Again, I wait her out.

Finally she slams her hand on the counter. "What?!"

I raise and eyebrow at her. "Would you care to share with the class what exactly has you so pissed off right now?"

"Dammit, Ollie! I don't know, maybe it's the fact that you said you wanted to marry me but that it wasn't an official proposal and then you ask me to move in with no other mention of marriage. Did you change your mind? Did you decide you need to give it a test run first? Make sure I'm not too much of a handful first?"

"I swear to god Lily, sometimes it takes every ounce of strength I have to not just bend you ever my knee and smack you on that sweet ass of yours." I walk right up to her and grab her chin so she can't look away from me. "Now you listen and you listen good. I am going to marry you. I'll marry you tomorrow if you want. The only reason I didn't ask you to marry me instead of just having you move in is because I'm giving you time. Time to fully heal and to adjust to everything that is going on between us. I won't rush you but at the same time I need you close, hence the moving in. Lily, I have every intention of making you my wife and the mother of my children. I plan to grow old with you and I plan to love you until the day I die. You got that?"

She just nods her head.

"Say it. Say yes you understand."

"I understand." She's still just staring at me all wide eyed.

"Good. Sorry if I scared you."

"You didn't scare me. That was actual really fucking hot."

I arch my brow and the corner of my mouth kicks up. "Oh yeah? How hot?"

Only You (Second Chances Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now