New beginnings...

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On Monday I get a call from Millie.

"Lily, I'm sorry I have some bad news. The prosecutor doesn't see any way to bring charges against John for what he did to you. He did say you can type up a statement and I can give it to the parole board to review so there is at least a record of it. But he can't guarantee that they will take it into consideration because there is no actual proof. Is that something you want to do?"

"I have to. If it means there's even the slightest chance that it will have an impact on whether or not he gets out anytime soon. I can type it up and send it to you tonight."

"Okay good. The board should be close to making their decision so the quicker we can get it to them the better."

"Okay. On to happier things. How are you and Hunter?"

"Really good actually. Lil, he's pretty amazing."

"That's great Millie. I'm really happy for both of you."

"How are things with you and Oliver?"

"Well we're moving in together so I would say good."

"What! Why am I just now hearing about this? That's great Lily!"

"He just asked me this weekend. I'm actually really excited about it. We'll have to have one last girls night at my place. This coming weekend?"

"Works for me. Just talk to the girls and let me know which day and time."

"Okay, sounds good. I'll email you my statement tonight and get back to you about this weekend. Thank you Millie for all your help."

"Anything for you. You know that."

We say our good byes and I text Oliver to tell him what Millie had to say. Then I text the group with the girls and we all decide on Friday night for our last girls night at my house.

Ollie was in a meeting so it takes a little while for him to respond.

I'm so sorry Lily. Hopefully your statement will have some impact. How about we go to your house tonight and I'll make dinner while you work on it and then we can do some packing. Sound good?

That sounds good to me. Thank you.

Nothing to thank me for. I'll stop home to pack a bag and grab the steaks I have and then head to your house. I love you.

I love you Ollie.

The rest of the day at work is busy so I don't have time to worry about what I'm going to write and if it will have an impact or not.

At home that night I go into my office and work on once again reliving that horrible day seven years ago along with that awful day in the courtroom. It takes me about an hour to get it done because I need to keep taking breaks to calm myself. When I'm finally finished I email it to Millie and send her a text to let her know it's done.

I walk out to the kitchen and Oliver takes me in his arms and just holds me.

"You okay?"

"Yes. That wasn't fun but I did it. Now I just need to pray that it makes some kind of difference. But I'm not going to sit around and worry about it. It's out of my hands now. Dinner smells delicious."

He kisses the top of my head and leads me to the table where he has everything set up and wine already in my glass.

"Sit and I'll bring over the food."

We enjoy dinner and talk about the week ahead. When we're all done we work on packing up things that won't be need while we still spend time here.

Only You (Second Chances Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now