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"Lily! Wake up, baby. It's me, Oliver."

I slowly come out of the nightmare and sit up. I'm breathing heavy and it takes a minute for me to get my bearings.

"Jesus christ Lily, what was that? Are you okay?" He's kneeling on the bed beside me looking very concerned.

"It was just a nightmare. I'm sorry I woke you."

"Just a nightmare my ass. You were attacking me and telling me to get the fuck off you. Lily, please tell me what is going on."

The nightmares started the first night after my attack. It's been awhile since I've had one this vivid though. I'm still trying to get the image out of my head. I can still feel his breath on my face. I shudder and Oliver moves closer to me and pulls me in his lap as he sits against the headboard.

"Honey, please let me in."

I curl close up against his chest and bury my face in his neck.

"Oliver, I want to tell you. I'm scared that you're going to look at me differently."

"Lily, whatever you tell me is not going to change the way I feel about you or the way I look at you. I promise."

"You dont know that."

"Lily, please trust me."

I take a big breath and decide I need to do this if Oliver and I have any chance of a future together. I do need to trust him. So I take another deep breath and sit up so I'm facing him. I can't look at him in the eye just yet so I look over his shoulder.

"Do you remember the weekend I came home without you for my moms birthday? You stayed at school because you had a big project due and knew if you came home you wouldn't finish it."

He nods his head. "Yes, you ended up with the flu and didn't come back to school for almost two weeks."

"Thats not what really happened. That weekend we had dinner out on that Saturday night and it was a lot of fun. I planned on leaving early in the morning to head back to school because I missed you. I wanted to get my run in before I left so I woke up early. I was up before anyone else in the house and even though I knew better I left while it was still dark out."

I see Oliver stiffen out of the corner of my eye. It's like he has some idea of where this is headed.

"I went to the running trail by my parents house. You know the one. We've run it together a million times. Because of that I guess I felt safe." I feel the tears start to fall but still I keep going. Still looking over Ollie's shoulder.

"I didn't see anyone on trail. I didn't see him. He came out of nowhere."

Oliver reaches for me. "Lily-"

I put my hand up to stop him. If I let him hold me I'll lose it and I won't be able to go on.

"He was hiding in the bushes just waiting for some stupid woman to come along alone. Well, I was that stupid woman. He grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth. He was dressed in all black with a hoodie on so I couldn't see much of him but he had light colored eyes and a scruffy light colored beard. He pinned me down on the ground and kept his hand over my mouth. I fought. Ollie, I need you know I fought hard."

"Of course you did baby." I hear the tears in his voice. I want to comfort him but I can't. Not yet.

"He got mad at me for fighting and slammed my head into the ground. It made me dizzy and I lost some of my fight for a minute. So he pushed my shirt up and gropped me. He was so rough, it hurt. Then he pulled my pants down and he used his fingers first. Again, he was very rough. Then he whispered in my ear, get ready bitch I'm going to fuck you hard. As he went to open his pants, I tried to push away from him and make a run for it but he punched me in the face. I fell back and couldn't move. Things went fuzzy. I felt him enter me. And I tried to fight but I was so disoriented from my head hitting the ground and him punching me. He moved from vaginally raping me to sodomizing me. And after he was done he leaned over me and said, Thanks bitch. We'll have to do this again sometime. Then he was gone."

Only You (Second Chances Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now