Oh, I definitely heard you...

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We walk into the club and I see Ollie standing at one of the high-top tables. I smile, even though I should be mad at him. I know he planned this. Just like I know he paid for our dinner.

"Hey ladies, look who's here." I point in their direction and Millie lights up. She talked about Hunter quite a bit at dinner and I'm pretty sure they'll end the night together. She pulls my hand and tells me to come on. Emma and Kate follow us.

I suddenly see the tall blonde standing next to Oliver move in and whisper in his ear. I stop in my tracks, is she licking him in public. What the fuck?!? Millie is oblivious, all she sees is Hunter. Kate and Emma are talking about something and not paying attention. Millie keeps pulling me forward and then we're at the table. She hugs Hunter and everyone says hi. Then Ollie makes the introductions to the blonde and her friend. Their names are Rachel and Abby. I immediately dislike them. Yes, I know that's petty but screw it. Then before I know it Ollie's asking me to help him and pulling me by my elbow.

Now he has me pulled up against him and is telling me all kinds of things that I shouldn't want to hear but deep down I really do. It's turning me on more than I would have thought possible. Before I know what I'm doing I go up on my toes and I kiss him. I mean full-on KISS him. One hand is on the back of his neck holding him as close as possible and the other is fisted in his shirt. I'm essentially trying to climb him. He kisses me back. Both of his hands cup my face as he takes control of the kiss. He pulls away too soon and I try to move in again. He still has my face in his hands and chuckles as he leans his forehead against mine.

"Jesus christ Lily, if we don't stop now the people around us are going to get one hell of a show when I lift you on that bar and make you come for me."

As much as I want to tell him to prove it. I shake my head and turn around. We walk up to the bar and he stands close behind me. He orders the shots and as we wait he rubs his fingers up and down my arm and when I feel him press against me I can tell he's as turned on as I am.

He leans down to whisper in my ear. "So do you want to tell me what that kiss was all about?"

I close my eyes and lean my head back. "I saw you with Rachel, who is stunning by the way, and my blood ran cold. I know I don't have any right to be jealous but there you have it. I was jealous. And then you said those things to me and it scared me, made me happy, and made me very horny all at once. Horny won out and I kissed you."

He turns me around. He cups the side of my face and rubs his thumb across my bottom lip. "You have nothing to be jealous about. Rachel doesn't even hold a candle to you. And please tell me that I didn't ruin everything by hitting the pause button. Tell me you aren't going to let your brain go into overdrive and talk you out of the possibilities between us."

Just then the bartender walks up with our drinks. Oliver pays for them and we head back to the table. We were far enough away from the table and it's crowded enough that nobody saw our little make-out session which means Rachel has no clue about us and slides right up next to Ollie again. I drink my shot and slam my glass down on the table and grab Kate's hand.

"Let's dance." She downs her shot quickly as I pull her away. Millie grabs the shot glass out of her hand. We make it on the dance floor and she moves in close so we can talk.

"So what was that all about? I'm guessing it has something to do with Oliver and his fuck buddy Rachel?"

"How do you know they're fuck buddies?"

"Her friend asked if that was THE Oliver. And when Rachel said yes her friends' reply was, well no wonder you're always going on about how good he is in bed. By the look of him, he one hundred percent knows how to fuck. Emma spit her drink out."

Only You (Second Chances Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now