Saturday while Lily's at her group meeting I go golfing with my brother. I ask him to be my best man. Hunter, Noah and Andrew are like brothers and they will definitely be at my side the day of the wedding but I can't imagine anyone other than Chris as my best man.
When I get home Lily's swimming with Milo. I walk to the side of the pool.
"Hello beautiful. How was group today?"
"Hello to you too. It was good. Emily and I went to lunch after. She's not doing very well and she's thinking of going to stay with her parents for awhile."
"It would probably be good for her. How are you doing?"
"I'm hanging in there. I have you and Milo so I don't feel alone like she does."
"That's good. Mind if I join you guys?"
Just then Milo gets out and comes up and shakes water all over me. Then he drops his ball at me feet.
Lily and I both laugh. "Thanks buddy." I throw his ball and he jumps back in the pool to get it. "I'm going to change I'll be back."
We spend the day in the pool and then we decide to pack a picnic and snacks and take the truck to a drive-in. They're showing the original Pet Sematary.
Lily's curled up against my side. "How can someone so cute be so terrifying?" She's talking about the little boy Gage.
"I'm sure some parents ask themselves that exact same question about their own children."
She laughs and pushes against my chest. "Oliver. That's not nice. I'm assuming you want children one day. How many?"
"However many you're willing to give me. You're the one who has to do the hard work of carrying them and giving birth. And I'm all for the fun part of making them." I kiss her then. "Besides, I think we'll be great parents."
"I think so too. I definitely want two so they each have a siblings. We'll see how the first two go and then decide from there. Deal?"
"Deal. As soon as we get home I say we start practicing." I kiss her again and for a minute we both forget we're out in public. But then a few people scream at a scary part of the movie and we're reminded, so we pull apart. "I so cannot wait to get you home."
We finish the movie and pack everything up. Its a little after ten when we're on our way home and Lily gets a phone call.
"Hi Millie. What's up?" There's a pause as Millie talks. "Yes he's right here. Hold on and I'll put you on speaker." She does and then Millie starts talking fast.
"I just got a call from a friend on the police force. Lily, John got to Emily. Apparently he's been watching her and today after you two had lunch he broke into her house and spent the day beating her and raping her. He worked her over pretty bad and she was unconscious until about an hour ago when she woke up and was able to call the police."
I look over and Lily is staring straight ahead with tears running down her face. I don't think she even knows she's crying. I pull over in a parking lot so I can concentrate on what Millie is saying and so I can comfort Lily. I turn and take her hand in mine. Millie keeps talking.
"He probably thought she was dead. But things get worse. He talked a lot while he did god awful things to her. He told her that he's been following her since he got out. He saw her at the womens shelter and that he saw you. He told her that he remembered you from years ago. He said he remembers every women he's raped. And there's been many. He said he couldn't believe it when he saw you in court and then again at the womens shelter. Lily, he's been following you too. He knows where you live. He told Emily that you were next. That's why my police friend contacted me. He knows I'm friends with you. The police will be coming to talk to you guys. Because until they catch him you're not safe."
"Fuck. Lily, look at me." She doesn't. She still just staring ahead crying. She's started shaking. "Lily, honey, look at me please." She finally turns her head. "I swear to god I will not let that bastard near you. Do you hear me? He will never hurt you again." She just turns her head and looks back out the window. "Fuck!"
"Oliver. Where are you guys?"
"We just left the drive-in. We'll be home in about twenty minutes."
"Okay Hunter and I are leaving now for your house. The police may already be there. If they are I'll talk to them and tell them you're on your way."
"Thank you Millie. We'll see you soon."
We drive home in silence but I never let go of Lily's hand. I can't even imagine what's going through her head. When we get home there are cop cars out front and as soon as we walk in the door. Millie gives Lily a big hug.
"Lily, Oliver. This is Officer Jones and Officer Wilson."
I go forward and shake their hands and ask them, "What can you yell us? Any news on where that piece of shit is?"
"I'm sorry we don't have a lead on him yet but don't worry we're going to find him. In the meantime we will have officers patrolling the area and they'll regulatory drive by your home. According the Miss Howard he did specifically threaten you Miss Michaels and we are taking that very seriously given your previous history with him and what he did to Miss Howard."
Lily finally speaks. "Where is Emily? Is she okay? I want to see her."
"She suffered multiple facial fractures and was being taken back for surgery. Your best bet would be to visit her tomorrow. Now hopefully we locate Mr. Roberts quickly but in the meantime we suggest that you don't go anywhere alone. We see you have a security system here at the house and a dog. Thats good. And again officers will be driving by regularly. If he trys to contact you in anyway call us right away. "
The officers give me their cards and I walk them out.When I come back inside Hunter's in the kitchen grabbing a couple of beers out of the fridge and Millie's in my office on the phone. I don't see Lily.
"Where'd she go?"
"She said she needed a minute and went back to your room."
I go back and find her on our bed with her face buried in Milo's fur crying.
I lay down behind her and hold her tight. "Hey, Emily will be okay. And they will find that asshole and this time he won't get out."
"I can't believe I spent the day swimming and at the movies while she was being beaten and raped. Again. He was following both of us. What if he followed me today after lunch instead of her. You weren't home. Ollie, it could of been me."
I close my eyes and hold her tighter. "But it wasn't and it won't be. I'm not leaving you until that asshole is caught."

Only You (Second Chances Series Book 1)
Romansa**Completed ** **Book 1 in a series involving the same group of friends** **strong sexual content** **some chapters may be triggering or hard to read for some as the contain sexual assault and rape** Lily Michaels thought she had moved on. She thoug...