The vacation

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This story might be cringy. Sorry if there are grammar mistakes. Underline words means the voices Valt's hearing . Let's get to the story then .

Valt's POV

            "Ughhh,"I said as I woke up from my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes as sunlight shone through the curtains in the dorm . I look around and saw honcho still sleeping soundly. I reached for my phone to check the time.

5:35 am

           After knowing the time, I slowly stand up and went to the bathroom to wash up. After washing up , I walked out the dorm , trying not to wake anyone up. The hallway was so quiet, only my footsteps could be heard.

            Finally , I reached my destination. I walked to the old stadium as I held Valtryek in my palm. Birds were chirping as the sun slowly rise. It was so peaceful. I got ready into my position and started training. I was trying to perfect my moves to maintain my position as a champion. 

Timeskip to after training for 3 hours

           I panted as sweat slowly drip from my cheeks. I laid on the grass while admiring the beautiful scenery. After resting for a while , I got up and walked back to the building and have breakfast . While eating breakfast, Chris told us to gather in the gym after finishing breakfast. 

No one's POV

          "Wonder what's Chris going to say,"Rantaro quietly whispered while Valt shrugged his shoulders. "I have good news for everyone today"as Chris spoke , everyone immediately got quiet. "Today , we're gathered because.........."Chris said in a serious tone , making everyone to be nervous. "We're going on a vacation !"Chris suddenly cheered happily . Everyone was so hyped up. "Where are we going for the vacation?" asked Silas between all the shouting. "We going to Paris !" said Raul. All the girls started talking about how romantic it would be in Paris . While the boys are whining that there won't be any fun. "What do you think about the vacation idea , Valt ?"Cuza asked. "I don't really know , Cuza."Valt said.
                Soon enough , after all the packing, every person in BC Sol ( of course including Free ) were in the airport waiting to board the plane. "I'm sooooo excited!!!"Valt screamed as everyone covered their ears from the loud voice. "Keep it down!"Rantaro whisper shouted. "Sorry"Valt said in embarrassment . "Yeah, some people are trying to sleep here."Free said in an emotionless tone. "Wait !! Free is here ?!"Valt shouted.0Valt !"Kit said. "Okay, okay . Sorry!"Valt said.

          As time flies , Chris began to say the order of the seats on the plane. ( and guess who sat with each other 😏 ) "Lastly , Free , Valt and Cuza ,"Chris said. "We're gonna sit together , Valt ! We're gonna have so much fun !"Cuza said happily. "Yeah!"Valt said as he grinned . Soon it was time to board the plane. 

            Valt sat comfortably while Cuza was trying to do backflips but was stop by a flight attendant. Free was just staring out of the window as the plane started moving. The plane was flying high in the sky. Silas's shouting could be heard from the other side of the plane. Valt chuckled as he heard Silas shouting "Rantaro Kiyama ! Wake up and stop drooling on me !". Cuza was having a fun time talking with his pet , Carl. ( don't ask me why parrots can be on planes , anime logic ) .

Valt's POV

             I was talking with Cuza at the moment. Suddenly , I felt something on my left shoulder, I looked to my left to see what was it and blushed a little. Free was lying on my shoulder while sleeping . He's so handsome sometimes ....... Wait what ?! What am I thinking ?! I'm straight ! ( straight as a circle ) "Valt!"I slightly jumped . "Umm...... what is it , Cuza ?"I said awkwardly . "You were spacing out just now. You okay ?"Cuza asked. "Yeah , I'm okay. Nothing to worry !"I said sheepishly. "We're gonna land soon !"Chris said while fastening her seatbelt.            

                "Paris , here we are !"Sasha shouted as everyone walked out of the airport. "Ok ! Gather up ! We're gonna check in our hotel first then you guys will be free to explore but remember to come back by 6 !"Chris said. After checking in the hotel , I was roommates with ( you know who ) Free . After unpacking , Free was already sleeping on his bed. I sighed and went out to explore.

                 While I was walking , a tall stranger suddenly bump into me . Without saying anything , he walked passed me. I shrugged and continued exploring Paris. Soon time was up and I called a cab to go back to the hotel. After dinner and washing up , I sat on the bed and scroll through my phone . As I was getting tired , I turned on my alarm and went to sleep. 

872 words
This is my first story , I know it's cringy 😅 . Can you guys please tell me what's bad in my story , I won't be offended and I'll try to change for the better.
What's going to happen next ?
What will happen to Valt
As you can see he's not depressed ( yet ) because I need to write out the reason why he is depressed . So ya , be patient for the story .

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