H-he's gone ?

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No one's POV

"Doctor ! We found the chip but it's close to his heart !"

"We'll have to be extra careful then,"

"Everything is ready , doctor,"

"Let's begin the surgery then,"

"Doc , he's losing a lot of blood !"

"His pulse is slowing down !"

"Doc !"



"Sorry ,kid. I couldn't save you,"

Azure's POV

I looked around me. I saw Free explaining what had happened to Valt's mom. I can see her devastated and panic face.

Oh ,Valt. I hope you're okay........

Please , I need you . We need you........

I saw the surgeon walking out of the surgery room.

"How is he ,doc ?!" Mrs Aoi asked.

"I'm sorry for your loss," The surgeon bowed and left.

No, no , no ! This can't be happening! Please , let this be a nightmare. I'll wake up soon right ?

I sat on the chair quietly.

He's gone ..........

I can't believe he's gone.......

I just met him but now he's gone.........

It hurts . I don't know why. It just hurts..........

I wanted to have a great time with you.

You just have to leave.

Why ?

Why ?!

All of us love you ! Why did you leave us ?!

Why ?!

I screamed internally.

Mrs Aoi is leaning on Free crying . She must be really devastated that her son is gone.........

Do you know how much you mean to us , Valt ?

You were our sun in the dark sky.

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