The voices aren't saying the truth........ right ?

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Valt's POV

Darkness , just darkness , everything surround me is just black , not even a slight of light can be seen. Wait ...... what is that figure standing from afar ? Is that Shu ? Why is he still wearing the mask ? He back to normal ....... right? I'll just go ask him. "Shu ! Why are you still wearing the mask ?!" I asked while looking at him. His eyes...... are so dull........ I noticed that Shu didn't respond , so I started to panic. I didn't want the same thing to happen again."Shu !! What happened to you ?! You need to answer me !" I shouted as I started shaking him. He just stared blankly at me.......Then he just pushed me away. " Why aren't you answering me ?!" My eyes starts to tear up at this point ( my poor smol bean ).

           "Just like I said before , you're just a weakness, a naive and stupid weakness" I'm shocked as Shu said that. " I just came back to you to understand all your weaknesses so I can crush you next time !" " And next time , I'll make sure Valtryek can't be fixed" Shu started to laugh maniacally after saying that. I'm.......... just a weakness ? I thought he was back........" You think your little friends actually like you ? They're just close to you because you're the champion. They all just wanted to know your weaknesses so they can beat you and be the champion. They don't even think you're worthy for the title. They probably think you cheated ! Hah !" " I-I-I..............It's not true !" " They all love me ( in a friend way ) just like I love them !" I shouted while trying not to cry. "You really are stupid ! You're so loud all the time , it's so annoying ! Your family hates you too ! Toko and Nika probably wanted a more mature brother than you ! Your mother thinks you're too hyper ! And your father thinks you're too loud so he never comes home !" Said Shu. ( I want to kill Shu at this point ) "You're lying !!" Valt cried. "Believe what you want , I'm just doing everyone a favour by telling you the truth !" Shu snickered . Do they really hate me ? Are my friends really just using me ? Am I that annoying ?

No One's POV

          Valt cried while Shu slowly walked towards Valt. Shu then whispered something to Valt, " Just kill yourself , it'll make everyone happy." Valt woke up with a cold sweat. "Shu........" Valt said quietly. He looked to his right and see Free sleeping very deeply. Valt sighed and checked the time.


          Maybe I can't try to sleep again , Valt thought.
No, you shouldn't go to sleep , weakling
"Who said that ?!" Valt asked with a startled tone .
"Who are you and where are you ?!" Valt asked while looking around the room for the source of the voice.
I'm not a person
"What do you mean ?!" Valt said getting sacred .
I'm just a voice in your little head
"What do you want from me then ?!" Valt asked wanting the voice to go away.
Awww,you want me to go away ? So sad , but I think I want to stay.
"Go away ! Stop bothering me !" Valt said angrily. Free woke up from all this commotion. "Valt , why are you yelling ? It's midnight , go to sleep ," Free said and went back to sleep.
You really are selfish , waking up your tired friend like that
"Maybe if you go away just now, I probably won't wake him up," Valt whispered , trying not to wake up his friend.
Hah! You're so selfish , you only think about yourself . No wonder you have no friends
"I have friends," Valt said.I think , he thought .
They're just using you . And you were stupid enough to believe them.
" I'm not stupid ," Valt said ,trying to calm down.
Continue to believe that and you'll lose your title any time soon
"Why can't you just go away ?!" Valt shouted . Then he realized what he had done and looks at his friend . He sighed in relief when he saw that Free was still asleep.
You're so loud , maybe you should stop talking.
"And why should I listen to you ?" Valt asked.
Because you're nothing compare to the others. You're just a useless blader who can't even beat Lui Shiroshagi. You eat so much till you're so fat right now. If you continue to eat , you'll probably get so fat , everyone would want to stay away from you.
"Can you just stup up?" Valt said almost losing his temper.
What ? Are you gonna cry ? Crybaby ! Only weaklings cry ! Didn't you say you're not a weakling ? Then be strong . Stop eating and sleeping ! Train and train until you're worn out . And don't even try to make friends ! Friends only pull you down ! Stop helping people . It'll just slow you down . If you want to be successful, then listen to me !
"SHUT UP!" Valt shouted covering his ears , wishing the voice will go away. " Valt , who are you talking to ?" "Ummmm......" the blunette looked at Free while trying to make up an excuse.
Say you were talking to yourself
"Umm.... I was talking to myself ?" Valt answered in a hurry without knowing what he just said. " Weird ...." Free said obviously annoyed. " Well , can you keep it down ?! I'm trying to sleep here !" Free said losing his temper. " I'm sor-"  Valt said but was cut off by Free. " You say sorry all the time , just stay quiet ! Jeez ! You're so loud no wonder everyone hates you!" "Wh-what ....?" Valt letting his tears fall out his eyes . " Valt ! I didn't me-" "Save it , De La Hoya," Valt said emotionlessly as he walked out the hotel room and closed the door behind him.
See , everyone hates you
"You're right......" Valt said as he walks out of the hotel.
I'm always right
"Maybe I can trust you," Valt said while walking on the empty streets in Paris.
Of course you can trust me . I'm only trying to help you. You're potential and I'm willing to help you but you need to listen to me and ONLY me
"........ fine ..... I guess"
"I have nothing to lose anyways" Valt looked at the full moon shining high in the dark night


"Sir , the plan is going smoothly"
"Great ,

Soon you will be under my control , Valt Aoi"
____________________________________1016 words
Behind the scenes
Me : my poor smol beannnnnnn
Valt : I knowwwwwwwww
Me : I shall kill ]+[!}!}\*]]'f
Me : Shit , I almost gave away the answer
Free : can I have my time with my boyfriend now ?
Me : of course 😏
Me : but let me hug Valt first UvU
Free : Fine *rolls eyes *
Free : Nothing *sweatdrops*
Me : Good
Me : I'm killing Shu instead because you and Valt are my favourite characters
Deer : What  about me ?
Me : Of course I love you too
Rantaro : Bye !
What's gonna happen next ?
Who is the voice ?
Who is behind this ?
What do they want from my smol- I mean Valt ?
Wait for the next chapter

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