Valt ?!

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Valt's POV

I finally thought of a way to get Azure's friends to save him. It'll probably make them hate me even more but I'll risk it. Theodore's going to kill me after this . I'd rather get killed than be a lab rat to him.

"Are you free later , Azure ? I asked.

"Of course I am, not like I can do anything," Azure said.

"Yeah," I realized how stupid my question was.

"Why did you ask ? Do you need anything ?" Azure looked at me.

"Nothing. I just have nothing to do," I said.

"Oh ok," Azure said looking at the ceiling.

I'm sorry , Azure. But you're not going to like what's going to happen today. It's all for you. You've done enough for me. Now I'm repaying it back to you.

"I need to go for a while," I said and got up .

"Just don't get lost !" Azure snickered.

"Of course I won't !" I was embarrassed.

"Just kidding. Don't be late for your match ,ok ?" Azure reminded me.

"I know," I said and walked away.

I have to find Boa. I need to get to his phone.

Where could he be ? He's probably training. Ah ! I remember where's his room was.

I ran towards to the end of the hallway and walked into the room.

"What are you doing here , Alexander?" Boa asked while launching his bey.

"My father wants you to go to the um......" Think Valt ! Think !

"The ?" Boa asked.

"The restroom ! He needs to give you something!" I blurted out.

"Okay ?" Boa said and walked out.

That was a close one. Now I gotta find his phone.
Where could it be ? Maybe on the desk........ Found it !

Please don't need a password ! Please don't need a password !

It just had to have a password ! What could it be ?! Urgghhhh !!! I need time ! I can't ! Boa could come back any moment ! Wait , the password is on the phone's casing.

Ok , 2832

Ok , now I gotta go to WhatsApp . They have a group chat ? Even better .

Boa (Valt) : Guys , I have something to tell you. Meet me at the park at 6

Shu : Okay

Xander : I'm coming

Wakiya : Guess I'll come too

Rantaro: All of us are going !

Cuza : Ok !

I muted the chat so Boa won't know. I quickly put the phone back and ran out of the room before Boa comes back.

My match starts in 1 minute ! Did I use that long ?! Gotta run !

I ran and reached the door just in time.

"Now let's welcome Alexander Glass from the red side !" Hanami announced.

I opened the door and heard cheers all around. It still feels good to be here.

"I'm beating you with my bey !" Rantaro showed his bey to me. 

I see he got a new upgrade . Good to see they're still getting stronger day by day.

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