I'm fine ......... right

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Valt's POV

"Hey Valt , are you okay ?" Azure asked me.

"Yeah ,better than ever !" I gave him a small smile.

"You have to tell me if you're not . You're making me worry," Azure said looking at me.

"Sorry," I apologized .

Great, now I'm worrying Azure even more. He needs to focus on finding his friends ,not me. He's done so much for me, and I'm here doing nothing but trouble.

" You sure you ok ? You don't need to apologize," Azure said making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah ! I'm just tired, can we go back yet ?" I asked ,trying to change the subject.

"Sure , it's quite late now," Azure said looking at his watch.

"Let's go then !" I said and started walking back.

"Yeah...." Azure said and caught up.

Azure's POV

Something is off about Valt . Just like when I was mean , I hope he doesn't do anything. I'll keep an eye on him .

"What are you thinking , Azure ?" Valt asked me.

"Nothing important," I replied.

"Oh," Valt said with a sad tone.

Is he ok ? Is it because what I said ? I'll apologize.

"Sorry , I'm just thinking about my friends ," I said.

It was the truth , I indeed was thinking about Valt and he's my friend too (Awwww).

"It's ok , sorry for interrupting you," Valt replied.

What's happening to you , Valt ? I hope you don't do anything to yourself. I'm worried about you.

Valt's POV

I shouldn't have asked him . He was thinking about his friends. He must be thinking that I'm annoying , right ? He must be thinking when he could get out of here so he wouldn't be with me. I'm so stupid .

"I'll wash up first," Azure said .

"Go ahead," I replied .

Valt , think .  What can you do to help Azure ? Wait , maybe I can ask for his birthday. We can celebrate it together ! Yeah !

"I'm done ," Azure said as he walked out the bathroom.

"Azure , can I ask you something?" I asked .

"Sure , what is it ?" Azure said while wearing some pajamas.

"When's your birthday?" I asked.

"November 24th . Why ?" Azure said and looked at me.

"Well, I thought maybe we could celebrate it together ?" I said.

"That's nice of you," Azure said with a smile.

"Where are we going to do on my birthday?" Azure asked.

"It's a surprise!" I said happily .

"Hehe, you look so hyper !" He chuckled.

"Hpmh!" I blushed a little.

"Ok ok, tsundere. It's time to sleep," Azure said while laughing.

"Hey ! It's not funny !!!" I said while tackling him with a pillow .

Azalt (Azure x Valt ) coming in

Azure suddenly pinned me down on the bed. I'm blushing so much right now.

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