Theme park

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when someone is thinking of something I'll 'use' this

Mizuro's POV

"Hey, what took you so long ?" Kinsuke asked.

Apparently,I was forced to sit with them during dinner. Kit practically drag me with him.

"Nothing, just went to the restroom," I said playing with my food.

"Don't play with your food !" Ange warned, making me startled.

'How can she see that ?! Is she god or something ?' I thought to myself.

"Sorry, Ange," I said and ate a spoonful of soup.

"So,what do you guys want to do tomorrow?" Runoa asked.

"I'm going on a date with Lui," Shu said.


"Oh then, I guess the rest of us can go to a theme park !" Cuza suggested.

"That's a great idea !" Yudai said.

"I guess I can go," I said.

"Great," Sumire said.

"I'm gong back to my dorm," I said and emptied my tray.

I walked out and walked into my dorm. I sat on my bed and looked through my phone. I had followed the others on Insta, so I looked through their posts.
One of the posts got me a little sad.

It was a photo of the Beigoma Beyclub.

'This is getting harder'

I sighed and put away my phone.

'I'm just going to take a warm bath to release my stress'

I took my towel and pjs from the cupboard. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I watched as the warm water filled up the bathtub.

I went in and enjoyed the bath. It wasn't like a hot spring but it was good enough for me.

After a while in the bathtub, I dried myself and changed into my comfy pjs.

After a while in the bathtub, I dried myself and changed into my comfy pjs

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I decided not to cut today , since I wasn't stressed today.

I walked out of the bathroom, just then Rantaro and Kit came back.

"Wow, already in your pjs ?" Kit asked.

"Yeah, I'm waking up early to train a bit before we go," I said and laid on my bed.

"Goodnight then," Rantaro said and I drifted away to a dream.

The next day

*alarm goes off*

"Urghh...." I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes.

'I've been having the same nightmare since that day. Well except for the drowning part'

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