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Azure's POV

It's morning already ? It feels good to sleep on a bed. I still remember how I was when I was still alive......


" Mom !" I ran towards my mom across the road.

"Azure ! Look out !" My mom shouted and pushed me . Just then , a truck hit her.

"Mom !" I screamed as I feel hot liquid falling down my cheeks . I ran towards her lifeless body , watching as blood flow out her wounded head. I didn't know what to do , I was shocked .

"Call 911 !" Someone in the crowd said.

The ambulance came soon but it was no use , my mom had stop breathing by the time they arrived the hospital. She died from blood loss.

"It's all because of you ! The love of my life is dead because of you !" My father scolded me .

"Sorry," I kept repeating.

"Sorry isn't going to bring back my beloved wife !" My father slapped me.

"I didn't mean it ," I was so sad , my mom left me . I didn't want her to die , she was the best mother I could ever have.

"I wish you were never born ! We never wanted a child ! You were a mistake ! Your mother just pitied you and decided to give birth to you !" My father scolded as everyone looked at us.

I wanted to go back to the past . When my mother was still alive , when we were still happy......but I know that will never come true. I knew my father would hate me for life , I knew my mother will never be back. I knew I would never be the same again.

After dealing with my mother's will, my father took me home. Once I stepped into the house , I saw my father drinking alcohol. I knew I would be in trouble if I stayed there ,watching him as he gets drunk. So , I walked into my room and locked the door . I walked into the bathroom to wash up. My eyes were swollen from all the crying. I could only hope that my mother is well in after life. I walked out the bathroom after washing up and went to bed . It's going to be a long day tomorrow, I thought as I slowly drifted to sleep.

*knock knock*


"Open up ! Did I allow you to lock the door ?!"

I sighed and unlocked the door. I instantly wished I didn't. As soon as I opened the door, my father came in and started hitting me and calling me names.

"I hate you ! So much ! You little worthless shit ! Your mother was disappointed to be pregnant with you !" He said while continuing to hit me.

I can't fight back , I don't want to make it worse . What he said is the truth , if my mother didn't give birth to me , she wouldn't have died . She was one of the most kindest person ever. It would be a lie if someone said she hit someone . She would be the person who would pick up caterpillars on the sidewalks so no one will step on them. I wasn't angry at my father , I definitely deserved it.

"Get up and go to school," my father ordered as he stopped and walked out of my room. I got up , only to feel pain all over my body . It hurts like hell . I walked toward my wardrobe and took out my uniform. After changing , I went straight to school.

"What happened, Azure ?" Lixue asked.

"Yeah , you're covered with bruises," Kinsuke said as he looked at me.

"I'll explain it after class ," I answered and walked towards my classroom.

"I completely forgot we had class !" Celandine said and everyone laughed .

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