Second day here

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No one's POV

"What happened, Silas ?" Free asked.

"That newbie just burst my bey without sweating," Silas said while putting back his bey together.

"Maybe he's just strong," Free shrugged.

"Whatever. Anyways , why are you here ?" Silas asked.

"Just came here to tell you everyone's going to watch a movie," Free said and started walking away.

"Hey, what time ?!" Silas shouted.

"In 10 minutes ," Free yawned.

"Fine," Silas murmured.

Mizuro's POV

"Hey, Mizuro," Rantaro called.

"Mm ?" I was sitting on my bed playing my phone.

"You wanna join us to a movie later ?" Rantaro asked.

"What time ?" I asked.

"In 10 minutes,"Rantaro said.

"Sure, I'll come," I walked into the bathroom to change.

"Sure, I'll come," I walked into the bathroom to change

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(He's wearing this)

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(He's wearing this)

"You ready yet ?" Rantaro asked.

"Yeah," I finished changing and followed Rantaro.

"Hey , Mizuro !" Cuza said.

"Hi," I said shyly.

"You can sit wherever you want," Lixue said.

I sat in the corner , far away from the others.

"Where are you sitting there, Mizuro ?" Runoa asked.

"Just because ," I said softly.

"Ok then," Yudai said.

"What kind of movie do you guys want to watch ?" Kinsuke asked.

"Horror !" Sumire said.

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