Search for Valt

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I'm not good with writing stories , so it might be shitty sometimes .

Rantaro's POV

"Great ! Now Valt is gone too ! Are you guys happy now ?! I shouted at them , not caring the fact that this is a hospital.

"I didn't mean it , I was just sad that Free's hurt and decided to put all my anger on him......." Chris said with regret.

"We're sorry," Everyone except me , Kit and Cuza apologized.

"Well , we still have to find Valt . Who knows where he could be now . He might not be in Paris anymore," Cuza said , thinking where could his friend be at.

"Yeah , especially it was hard to find him the first time . Now it's gonna be harder," Kit agreeing with Cuza.

"Wait , I can call Wakiya to use his private jet ! I can call my friends too," I said while taking my phone out.

"Great idea ! Just like when we were finding Shu !" Cuza said agreeing.

"What's all the commotion about ?"

"You're awake , Free !" Chris said with tears in her eyes.

No one's POV

Yeah , but where is Valt ? I thought we found him ?" Free said while tilting his head to the side. ( I love it when he does this )

"About that......." Chris said lowering her head.

"What happened?" Free asked.

After explaining because the author is a lazy ass bitch

"So you're saying he quit and left again ?!" Free said.

"I'm sorry , I couldn't help it , you were hurt ," Chris said regretting what she had done.

"It's not your fault . It's no ones fault . Now let's go and find our friend !" Rantaro said .

"I'm going too ," Free said with determination.

"But you're still recovering," Chris said worrying about her best friend's health.

"It's ok , the doctor said I could discharge tomorrow," Free answered.

"Let's call my friends to help too ," Rantaro said dialing Wakiya's number .

On the call

Wakiya : What do you want, Rantaro ?!

Rantaro : I kinda need some help .

Wakiya : For what ?

Rantaro : It's Valt .

Wakiya : What happened ?

Rantaro : * explaining *

Wakiya : You're telling he's gone missing for the second time and first time he gone missing , ended up Free getting hurt and is in a hospital ?!

Rantaro : Yeah ?

Wakiya : I'm coming , who else you want me to bring ?

Rantaro : Daigo , Ken , Xander , Hoji and anyone else who can help

Wakiya : Where are you ?

Rantaro : Paris .

Wakiya : Ok , meet me at the airport in 10 hours

Rantaro : Why 10 ?

Wakiya : Because I need to prepare some weapons and gadgets we might use when searching him .

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