The competition

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No one's POV

"What's the plan ?" Free asked ,looking at the others.

"What plan ?" Rantaro questioned.

"The plan to save our friends , of course," Free said with a bored tone .

"I don't think we have a plan ," Tenshi said .

"Then we need to think of one ," Lixue stated.

"Yeah, we can't just save them from Theodore . He definitely won't let us and we still have no idea what had happened to Valt," Shu said.

"Then what's the plan ?" Wakiya asked.

"So , Theodore Glass is behind all these ?" Kinsuke asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Then make a distraction , make sure Theodore isn't there when we're saving our friends . We'll have to drag Valt if he doesn't listen to us,"Kinsuke suggested.

"It might work but it's too risky . What if we fail to distract Theodore long enough? We might not find them too . The building is a big place. It'll take too long to find them," Daigo disagreed.

"Can't we just kidnap Theodore ? That Wakiya guy is rich enough to do that," Sumire said.

"I don't want to go to jail !" Wakiya shouted.

"Just ask his son ," Kiyoshi said yawning.

"Oh yeah . But his son might not help us ," Drake said.

"It won't hurt to try," Yudai said , agreeing what his friend had said.

"Maybe we can ask some help from Boa too," Ken said using Besu.

"I'm not sure if he will help us . I'm not friends with him," Shu said.

"Well , Valt is friends with him , kinda ," Cuza stated.

"Ok never mind," Shu said.

"But what about Runoa ? We still can't find him ," Tenshi said sadly.

"He might be with Lui. The name sounds similar to Luinor ," Hoji said.

"Lui is going to the competition too !" Kit said looking at his iPad.

"Things are getting better after all," Zac said.

With Lui (Still no one's POV)

"Who the hell are you ?!" Lui asked .

"I'm Runoa ," Runoa answered.

"How are you in my room ?!" Lui shouted throwing stuff at Runoa.

"I was a evil side of you. Now I'm free," Runoa said calmly , dodging everything that was thrown towards him.

"Then go away !" Lui shouted.

"I need to follow you to the competition. I just need to find my friends and I'll leave you alone," Runoa said.

"Fine . But don't touch my things," Lui glared at Runoa.

"Fine by me ," Runoa shrugged.

2 days left till the competition

With Valt

Valt's POV

Hey Azure....

Yes , Valt ?

Do you think your friends will be there ?

I hope so

Me too. I want to meet your friends.

Ok then. Lets get you to train

Oh ! I'm so hyped up !

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