The truth

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Mizuro's POV

'Damn it ! They just had to find out ?!'

I ran across the streets, dodging all the vehicles on the road. I came to a stop once I reached a hotel.

'I guess I can stay here for a bit,'

I opened the door and got welcomed by the workers.

"I would like a room please," I said at the counter.

"How many nights , sir ?" The worker asked.

"4 would be enough," I said and paid with my credit card.

"Here's your key, sir. All meals are provided at the cafe," The worker handed my a key and I left.

'4 nights would be enough time for me to book a ticket back home,'

I took the elevator since I didn't feel like taking the stairs.I walked out of the elevator once I have reached my floor.

I turned the key on the door and went in. The inside was beautiful. It had a bathtub, a king-sized bed and a got view of the city.

I took a relaxing bath in the bathroom and went to sleep. I was tired after all the drama.

With the others

No one's POV

"I did not expect him to jump out the window like that," Kit said shocked about what had just happened.

"We shouldn't have pressured him like that," Chris sighed.

"Amazing," Cuza said.

"Cuza, not the time to joke right now," Tenshi said.

"Should we go and find him ?" Shu asked.

"No, we should give him some space to cool down first," Azure said and left the room.

"Let's go , Free," Chris said and Free followed her.

"See you guys tomorrow," Zac said.

"See you soon," Everyone else then went back to their dorms to rest.

The next day

Mizuro's POV

*alarm goes off*

"Morning already ?" I yawned sleepily as the sunlight hits my eyes.

I looked at my phone for a while before going to the bathroom.

I took a cold bath to make me more awake and changed into some clothes.

I took my phone and went down for breakfast. I ate some scramble eggs and bacon and some milk. I finished and went back to the hotel room. I decided to take a swim at the swimming pool in the hotel. I took a towel and went up to the highest floor.

Thankfully, the swimming pool wasn't crowded, there were only 2 people chilling in there.

I went in and shivered at the cold water. Once I got used to the temperature , I swam around the swimming pool for a while.

After a while, I felt tried so I stopped and dried myself. I went back to my room and cleaned up. I decided to take a shit nap on the bed.

At BC Sol

Azure's POV

Everyone is awake now and are in the cafeteria. We're discussing how to find Mizuro while having breakfast.

"Maybe we should go check hotels ? We can find him easier like that," Rantaro suggested.

"But do you think the staff would give information to a stranger like that ?" Wakiya mocked.

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