Sorry , I can't help

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Valt's POV

Shit ! Now I have to answer some questions. I can't help them , they'll get themselves hurt. I'm just gonna run when I have the chance to.

"First question," Zac said.

"What did your father do to Valt ?!" Shu shouted.

I whimpered in fear and backed away .

"Sorry for his behaviour. He's just very sad about his best friend," Cuza apologized.

"But can you please answer the question ?" Wakiya asked.

Should I answer it truthfully? No , I can't . I know Theodore Glass will know . I can't risk it. Sorry.

"I'm sorry I don't know what he did," I lied.

"Fine , second question. Will Valt be joining the competition later ?" Rantaro asked.

"U-uh ! Sorry I got to go !" I ran as fast as I could since no one was stopping me. I ran towards the stadium , I looked at the time and gain more speed.

I'm going to be late ! Run faster Valt !

I reached the stadium, panting and sweating a lot.

"Wow , Valt ! You okay ?" Azure asked.

"Don't *pant* say *pant* my real name !" I said while panting.

"Sorry , Alexander," Azure said.

"Where were you ?" Azure asked.

"I got lost ," I said finally breathing normally again.

"Well , good luck ! You're up next ," Azure put his hand on my shoulder, giving me a warm smile.

"I won't let you down !" I said and walked up to the door.

"And the son of Theodore Glass, Alexander Glass !" Hanami said and I opened the door.

I could hear cheers and clapping all around me. I missed this.

"Get ready"

Let it rip !

Vortex starts by circling the opponent's bey. After some time , Vortex attacks the bey and bursts it with one shot. ( sorry if it's bad , first time writing a battle. And this battle was easy to pass but it will get harder soon)

"Alexander Glass wins with a score of 2-0 !"

I smiled a little and walked out.

"I knew you could do it !" Azure said happily .

"Yeah ," I smiled.

"Want to watch the next battle ?" Azure asked.

"Sure," I said and followed him.

When they got there

We got to our sits , just as the match was about to start.

"On the red side , it's the famous blader , Shu Kurenai !" Hanami said.

Shu......... I hope you beat me . I really need you to beat me . No matter what.

The first battle had started. Shu used his left hand to launch his bey , Sprizzen. He's gotten stronger . I'm glad.

"Shu Kurenai moves up to the next round !" Hanami announced and cheers were louder than before.

"I'm going to go deaf soon !" Azure jokes and I chuckled .

"Okay folks ! Let's look who's going to battle who in the next round !"

I looked up to see who's my opponent next . Boa ?! He's here ?! I did promised him to battle him again . I didn't expect it to be like this. Cool down , Valt . Cool down.

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