Don't worry , it's ok

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Valt's POV

I woke up with a groan as I remembered what had happened last night. My body was still hurting. I tried to sit up but failed as I was too weak.

"Wake up, your match is starting soon," Norman said and left.

Eventually I sat up and stared at the ceiling.

Is this how I'm going to live my everyday now ?

I lean on the wall in order to stand up.

"Here's some clothes to change into," Norman walked in again and threw a black hoodie and a pair long pants.

I grabbed it and Norman turned around as I changed.

I barely managed to walk a step and immediately fell to the ground again.

"Here's some painkillers," Norman said sympathetically and gave me some painkillers before leaving.

"T-thanks," I thanked him.

Wow, Norman is being nice to me. That's new.

I ate some painkillers and felt a little better. I started walking again and try to make the pain go away.

I walked very slowly so it took longer than before to get to the stadium.

Finally , I'm here. I think I'm gonna pass out if I stayed under the sun any longer. Let's just hope I don't meet any of them today. Wait , my opponent is who again ? I'll just try to burst it as soon as I can.

I walked towards the door and leaned on it till it was time for me to go out.

"On the red side , we have the uprising blader , Alexander Glass!" Hanami said and I walked out wobbly.

"Hey , you okay ?" Ken asked using Besu.

"Y-yeah !" I smiled a little.

So , my opponent is Ken. Kerbeus is a defense type. I'll just finish it before it can reach the center.

Let it rip !

We both launched our beys.

"Finish it with Bolt launch !" I said trying to stand properly.

"No , you won't !" Kerbeus dodged the attack and went to the center.

Normally , I would be happy that they're getting stronger but now I really want this to finish now. I can't stand the pain anymore. It's too much but it was worth it.

"Attack again !" I barely had the energy to shout that.


"Alexander Glass wins with a total 2-0," Referee said.

Thank god.

I walked out of there, ignoring what Hanami was saying. I found a bench outside and sat on it.

" hurts so damn bad," I murmured.

Ken's POV (didn't expect that right ?)

I walked towards my friends worriedly.

"Why didn't you use your new move ?" Daigo asked.

"He's hurt," I said.

"What do you mean he's hurt ?!" Azure shouted .

"Calm down , Azure !" Yudai said.

"I can't ! Why can't you guys understand?! Alexander is Valt ! I watched him suffer and now I'm not there with him ! I can't ! I need to save him !" Azure shouted.

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