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Valt's POV

Urgghhhh, my head hurts so bad ! What happened ? Never mind......
Life hates me so much , huh ? But why is everything black here ?
Wait..... what's covering my eyes ? I can't take it off ! They just had to put chains on me ! Was this how Shu was treated before ?......... I should stop complaining and try to think of a plan.

Hi , I see you're awake

"You're back again ?! Why can't you just leave me ?! What did I do to you ?!"

I'm just trying to help you

"What help are you doing right now ?!"

Shut up ! You don't need to get hurt anymore !

"Don't tell me-!"

"Hi, Valt Aoi . I think you'll be useful to me ! Isn't that great news ?"

"Great for you , probably not for me"

"You should be careful on what you say , one wrong word and I'll press a button~"

"What button ?!"

I suddenly feel a rush of electricity shocking me. Making me screamed in pain.

"Isn't that fun~?" I panted heavily.

"What do you want?"

"You~of course"

"Why me ?!"

"I'm not going to answer with that attitude"

"AAAaAaaAhh!!!" I feel the pain again. It hurts so bad.

"Now , let me say . I find you interesting, more interesting than Shu Kurenai. You don't hate anyone , you treat all your rivals like friends. Why don't we change that a bit ? Making you into my best creation ever !"

"Never ! I'll never join you ! I will never betray my friends !"


"I knew you were going to answer like this , but don't worry , you don't need to do it if you don't want to,"

I sighed in relief. ( only for 3 seconds )

"I'll just control you~"

"Wait what ?! How ?!"

"You see , technology is so advance now . We can even make a person broken and just control them !"

"You're cruel!"

"I know but what can I say ? You ruined my plans before , the least you could do is repay me like this~"

"Why can't you just play fair?!"

"Because I don't want to~" earning another shock while he said that. At this point , it hurts so bad , I just want to die.

" Can you at least take off the blindfold that's covering my eyes ?"


I slowly open my eyes , trying to adapt to the light.

"Now , why don't you just agree~"

"Never !"

"Guess , we'll just have to do it the hard way.Norman , bring him to the lab."

"Yes , sir"

"Hey ! Let go of me ! What are you going to do to me ?! Let me go !"

"Urghhh , just shut up ! Boss wants you and that's final !" Norman said.

I really don't want to betray my friends. I can't do it . What will they think if I betray them ? Will they forgive like how I forgive Shu ? I hope they do , I can't imagine them hating me right ? But wait , they already hate me . I hope Toko and Nika won't be worried, they're not there anyways. I'm basically alone.

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