The meet

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1 week later (this is during the week, the others were finding him in Paris )

Valt's POV

'Father' turns out not so bad. He would let me eat and do what teens would normally do. I had to change my appearance and personal information.

Name : Alexander Glass
Age : 13 (he was 13 in Turbo )
Date of birth : 18th of December (idk , you can choose whatever date you want , I just simply wrote it )
Bey : Vortex ( I don't know if anyone has used this name so tell me if anyone has used it , I'll change the name )
Bey type : Attack type

The problem is I don't know what he wants . He says that he finds me interesting. I don't know why he wants me in the first place , yeah I don't hate anyone or have a grudge towards someone but I'm pretty sure that's not the reason why he wants me.

Maybe he found out something that you don't know ?

Oh , you're back

Yeah , so wanna continue discussing about why he wants you ?

Sure ! But can I know your name ? You haven't told me anything about it.

You can just call me Azure

That's a nice name !

Thanks , now let's get back to the subject we were talking about

But I have no idea on why he wants me . There's lots of people who are stronger than me like Lui , Free and more.

Me either. We can try to figure out as time flies . You're practically trapped here.

I know that. Anyway , thanks for talking to me , Azure. It can get pretty lonely in here.

No problem. Just know that you can talk to me whenever you want.

I've been thinking.....

About what ?

Do you have a human form ?

Yeah , I actually do have 1 .

Cool ! Can I see you then ?

Sure , why not

You look so good !

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You look so good !


Can I hug you ?!

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