I'm sorry if I hurt you

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Valt's POV

I'm sorry , I have to win , I don't want you guys to get hurt.

Are you stupid ?! You need to lose to get help !

But didn't you heard Theodore said he will hurt them if I try to escape ?!

But this is your only chance !

I can't ! I can't let them get hurt ! They're like my family !

You have to lose or else you're never going to escape !

But they'll get hurt !


I'm sorry , Azure

Please don't........

"Fafnir bursts ! Alexander Glass wins by two to zero !" Norman declared.

"Now , you shall leave !" Theodore said while pointing the exit.

"No ! We want to know where Valt is !" Shu shouted.

"Will you do anything to know where he is ?" Theodore asked while smirking.

I don't know like smirk, Azure .

Me either . I think he's going to do something bad and it's going to be really really bad.

He better not do anything to my friends.

"Of course we will do anything for him ! He's been there for us , now we'll be there for him !" Kit said.

"Ah , friendship is such a precious thing ! Fine , I'll bring him here in 20 minutes . But if he doesn't want to go with you , you'll leave ," Theodore said.

Wait what ?! What is he going to do ?!

Shit , shit , shit ! I think he's going to control you !

And he even said he won't hurt my friends !

"Son , follow Norman ," Theodore said. I gulped and followed Norman.

"Take off you wig and contacts and change into this ," Norman said while handing me a pair of my clothes .

Azure , I really don't want to hurt my friends

I know but I don't think you have a choice . He can control you anytime.

Wish me luck then.

I walked out of the room after changing.

Please forgive me , friends. For all the things I'm about to do , I thought before blackness takes over me.

No one's POV

Valt walks back into the room emotionlessly.

"Valt !" Everyone went forward and hugged him.

"Get off ," Valt said coldly.

"W-what ?" Everyone was shocked . Valt would never say that. He's the kindest person , he would never say anything near that.

"Valt , why did you say that ? We're your friends !" Cuza asked clearly shocked that his friend would say that.

"I have no friends ," Valt replied.

"What has gone into you ?!" Daigo shouted.

"Valt ! Snap out of it ! I don't want to become like me when I was red eye !" Shu said while shaking Valt firmly.

"Stop it , you're ruining my clothes , Kurenai ," Valt said and pushed Shu away.

"See ! He clearly doesn't want to come with you ," Theodore said while sitting on his couch.

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