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  Jungkook was so surprised.He couldn't process what was happening.Why him?There were many people out there,he was poor,he couldn't even feed his family three times a day.Why was he chosen?

"M-Marriage?"Jungkook stuttered.

"I know,it's hard to understand.Don't worry,I'll give you time."Yun-Se assured the boy.

"Madam,please give me an answer to do this.Why did you choose me?I can't even feed my family.How can you be so sure that I can make your son live?"

"Jungkook,my son is so stubborn.He goes to clubs every night and it's all my fault.I forced him to something he doesn't want.Your kindness,your attitude and the way you stay positive,those make me amaze,Jungkook.I'm just thinking that if you have an arranged marriage with him,he'll change.I won't force you to this but if you agree,I'll give you a work and I'll support your family."Yun-Se stated,a bit of frown in her face.

"I'll think about this,Madam.Let's meet tomorrow in the market,9 in the morning and I'll tell you my answer."

Yun-Se smiled at him and nodded.She promised Jungkook that she'll not force him if his answer will be no.Jungkook went home with plastics full of foods.He was so happy that he'll finally feed his mother and sister a great meal.

"Mom,I am home!"Jungkook shouted but there was no response.

"Mom?Ara?Where are you?I bought foods.C'mon lets eat!"Jungkook happily shouted.He was smiling ear to ear not until he saw his sister crying.

"Ara?Why are you crying?"Jungkook asked nervously."M-mom..she's d-dead."Ara cried in his arms.A tear escaped from Jungkook's pretty eyes as he pat Ara's back.

His mother committed suicide.It was after lunch when Ara went home by herself after her school.She saw her mother laying down and blood scattered everywhere.There was a knife on her side,showing that she stabbed herself.Jungkook's heart broke,he wanted to blame his father for everything.

That night,after they settled everything for his mother's death,Jungkook cried and cried.The both of them didn't eat a lot.It was supposed to be a happy night for them but it turned out to be a nightmare for Jungkook and Ara.Their father left them first and now,it's their mother.

He suddenly remembered Yun-Se's proposal.If he won't accept it,he will not be able to feed his sister and afford her needs.Jungkook went to Ara's room hoping his sister won't get distracted in her studies.

"Ara?Are you done with your assignments?"Jungkook asked.

"Yes,I am.Why are you here?"

"Just want to know if you're fine.Please stop thinking about it when you're in school huh?Please study hard."

Ara nodded in response.Jungkook was glad his little sister was not crying anymore.He looked forward to making their lives easier.Jungkook tried to sleep hoping that tomorrow will be alright.


"Kim Taehyung,why are you calling me early in the morning?I'm still sleepy."Jimin yawned,he woke up because his phone rang loudly."Jimin-ssi,your beloved man is coming next month.I heard it from Seokjin-hyung.He was talking to him!"Taehyung said.

Jimin's eyes widened."Taehyungie,he doesn't love me anymore.There's no reason to be excited."Jimin frowned.Taehyung felt that the atmosphere went cold.

"One more thing,Jiminie.I saw your mother with a young boy-"

"She what?!"

Jimin was waiting for Taehyung's answer but he got distracted from a loud knock on his door.He hung up the call and yelled,"Wait,mom!"

He went downstairs and he saw his mother already ready to leave."Son,I have a very important meeting today.Please eat a lot hmm?Mom loves you so much."Yun-Se pecked her son's cheeks.

Mom loves you so much

It's so good to Jimin's ears that he wanted to hear it everyday."I-I love you too mom.Take care!"Jimin said and smiled.He felt so confuse about what Taehyung told him but Jimin forced himself to believe it was for her business.

Yun-Se went to market quickly.She saw Jungkook with her sister waiting for her.

"I'm sorry,I am late.Is she your sister?"Yun-Se asked and Ara nodded."Hello,Madam.I'm Jeon Ara and I am 9 years old."Yun-Se smiled at Ara.She's like Jungkook,they both talk softly.

"Where is your mother?"Yun-Se asked and the two frowned."When I went home,my mother's dead."Ara said with tears on her eyes.Yun-Se's heart broke at the sight of the poor girl.

"E-Eomma stabbed herself and n-now I don't h-have eomma.N-no one will f-feed me,n-no one will take care of A-Ara."Ara cried again in Jungkook's arms."I'm so sorry for that."Yun-Se apologized.

A few minutes later,when Ara calmed down,Yun-Se asked them to have breakfast with her and the two agreed.
"Is it yummy,Ara?"Yun-Se asked the cute little girl in front of her with stain on her cheeks.

They had their breakfast and the time has come for Jungkook to tell his answer.

"So Jungkook,is it a yes or a no?"

"Yes,I agree to marry your son."Jungkook gladly said.

"Really?Oh,thank you so much,Jungkook! I promise to support your needs and Ara's too.I will arrange the wedding,it'll be 2 months ahead.Are you fine with that?"

"Yes I am."


I just realized how many grammatical errors I have done.dont mind me I'm just sleepy.

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