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  "It's been 5 days already.Where's Jungkook?"Jimin worried.It's been 5 days already since Jungkook left and Jimin never received calls or text from Jungkook.

"He didn't answer it."Taehyung sighed and shrugged."Mine either."Hoseok said.The three of them were contacting Jungkook nonstop but the boy didn't answer them.

"Uh..you guys go home it's already 7pm.I'm okay here."Jimin forced a smile."Are you sure?"Hoseok asked and Jimin nodded.

"Okay,Minie.Bye!"Taehyung and Hoseok left Jimin alone but that doesn't mean they stopped helping Jimin.They kept on dialing Jungkook's number but no one answered.

"Where are you,Jungkook?I'm so worried.Please answer your phone."Jimin waited for another 2 hours but there was no Jungkook who came home."I'll go to Busan tomorrow and find you."Jimin sighed.

It wasn't easy for Jimin to sleep because he was so worried.He kept on thinking what if he won't find Jungkook?What if Jungkook left him?It really bothered Jimin a lot but he managed to sleep so that he can wake up early to go to Busan.


"Wifey~I'm home."Jimin heard a familiar voice so he went downstairs quickly.There he saw his husband with a wide smile.He rushed to Jungkook and hugged him tightly.

"Where have you been?I miss you so much."Jimin whined and pouted.Jungkook chuckled at Jimin and kissed his forehead."I'm sorry my love~I will make you big pancakes as an apology."Jungkook giggled.

Jimin was about to hug Jungkook but he fell down.

Jimin opened his eyes and realized that it was just a dream."I thought he was here already....Jungkook where are you?"Jimin cried.It's 6am and he looked up at the ceiling thinking about Jungkook.

"I remember the way you stare at me when we first met.I was blind I didn't see the stars aligned above us..."

Their first meeting was unpleasant but no one knew that it was just the way to change Jimin.

"I used to hurt you so much.I was broken that time and so are you.I was so stupid to hurt the person who only wanted to love me..."

It was very hard for Jungkook but he accepted all the pain Jimin gave him.He wanted to give up that time but he believed that loving someone isn't just all happy moments,some of love stories are sad.


Jimin was very confuse after he kissed Jungkook.What was that all about?Did he really love Jungkook?

He couldn't sleep that night.His hands were going on different spots on his bed until he touched something.It was a sticky note on his wall.


   This is Jeon Jungkook.I know you still love Yoongi and I already told you,use me as much as you want.I'm poor but my love for you is rich.But I know it won't be enough to make you happy.If the only thing to do is to let you go,then I am now setting you free.

Jimin cried while reading the note.No,he can't let go of Jungkook.Jungkook was selfless all the time.No one did to Jimin.

"Tomorrow...I'll figure out everything,Jungkook.Maybe I love you...maybe I do.."



Jimin went downstairs to make his own breakfast.Everything he saw just reminded him of Jungkook.

"Jeon,please come back."Jimin tried to hold back his tears but he couldn't."Jungkook I'm missing you so much...why did you leave me?"

Jimin had a bad morning.He didn't eat that much unlike when Jungkook was there.He was about to go upstairs when he suddenly heard a knock from the door.

"Wait!"He shouted and rushed to open the door.

Jimin's eyes widened when he saw the man in front of him."What..."Jimin thought.











"Yoongi why are you here?"

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