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Jimin was so nervous all night.Was it a good decision?He didn't know what to do after he said yes to his mom.He decided to call his best friend Taehyung to tell him everything.

TAEHYUNG: "yes?"

JIMIN: "Tae,listen.I agreed to my mother's proposal.I'll be marrying a vendor 2 months ahead."


JIMIN: "His name is Jeon Jungkook.He looks kind,he has sister too.He was the one my mother talking to.Taehyung,is it right?I don't know what to do."

TAEHYUNG: "Min how about-"

JIMIN: "Taehyung,stop talking about him.He broke me into pieces.I just want some advice from you,Tae.Is it right?l

TAEHYUNG: "Jimin,as long as you are happy,I will be happy for you,but if you have your plans and it will affect Jungkook,please stop it. Just be happy with him.Mother knows best,right?"

JIMIN: "Yeah,thank you,Tae."

Jimin hung up the call.If you think Jimin likes the marriage,you're definitely wrong.Bad plans were on his head.He was just nervous if his plans won't work.On the next day,Yun-Se called Jungkook very early to come over.The siblings rushed to their house and greeted Yun-Se.

"You guys are so fast!"Yun-Se joked them.Ara giggled while poking Jungkook's arms."He's so excited to meet Jimin-oppa again."Jungkook looked away out of embarrassment."This kid doesn't know how to keep quiet."Jungkook whispered wishing he could scold his sister.Yun-Se laughed at Ara's response."Someone's excited,huh?"

Jungkook just smiled all the time and looked down."Oh god,he's so red."Ara thought and smiled."I'll wake up Jimin so we can have our breakfast and discuss about things."Yun-Se said and the two nodded at her."You little devil,don't embarrass me like that!"Jungkook glared at his sister who's smirking."You are really excited,what's wrong with saying the truth?"Jungkook was about to speak when the door from second floor opened and a beautiful angel came out."Look at him,he's so whipped."Ara chuckled.

Jungkook was staring at Jimin all the time,his lips are parted.Yun-Se noticed it and smiled."Oh god,he's whipped."Ara and Yun-Se said at the same time.They looked at each other and laughed while Jungkook pouted at them."Let's just eat."Jimin said and sat beside Jungkook.Ara and Yun-Se were shocked about Jimin's gesture.

Jimin put rice on 'tomato' Jungkook's plate.Everyone's lips parted."OH GOD,IS THIS A DREAM?IS THAT REALLY MY SON?"Yun-Se thought observing every Jimin's move.Jimin looked at them and tilted his head."What?Is this how a husband treat his husband right?"Jimin said while looking at Jungkook.


"I honesty prefer Jeon Red Kook than Jeon Jung Kook."Ara said and giggled.Jungkook bit his lips,he can't even speak and look at Jimin."S-stop it."Jungkook said while covering his face.Yun-Se giggled at Jungkook."Don't do that,Jungkook.You look like a bottom."That's it and everyone choked.
"Not in front of Ara!"Jimin said and Ara looked at him."What's bottom?You mean underwears?"That's the second one and everyone choked again.

It's not a peaceful breakfast coz everybody kept on choking.They had their meals while talking to each other.Jungkook told them his life,same as Jimin."Okay,I wanna tell you guys something."Yun-Se said and everyone became serious."I want you guys together in one roof."Jungkook and Jimin was surprised.Them?Living together before marriage?"B-But,Ara-"Yun-Se spoke before Jungkook."I'll take care of her.You're fine with that right?"Yun-Se looked at excited Ara.

"It's only 2 months,then you'll be back here for your wedding.I bought a house in Daegu,you'll stay there.I'll give you money every week to support the both of you.Again,I want you to have your time knowing each other,avoid inviting friends."Yun-Se looked at them seriously.The both of them nodded."When are we leaving?"Jungkook asked.

"This night.Mr.Kim will take you there.Prepare your things,I'll just call him."Yun-Se said and left the two boys with Ara."H-Hi Jimin."Jungkook said poking Jimin's arm.Jimin looked at him and chuckled."Yeah?"Ara looked at them and giggled."Am I your boyfriend now?"Jungkook asked him and Ara almost threw a glass of water to dumb Jungkook.

"Hmm..maybe we are engaged with no rings?Okay,Jungkook and Ara,I'll just prepare my things." Jimin smiled at them and left.Ara glared at Jungkook."What?"He asked his sister who's judging him from head to toe."You know what,you look like a little brother to me."Ara said and Jungkook pouted.Ara facepalmed,"Am I the younger sister or you just came out first when supposedly,it was me?"

Jimin and Jungkook prepared their things.Ara was so frustrated.Jungkook was so clumsy,making every things in their house fall."Ara don't be stubborn,okay?Eat 3 times a day but it is better when it is 7 times by the way,study hard and don't be so noisy.If you have to choose between me or the banana milk,please choose me."Jungkook crossed his arms in front of tired Ara."And why would I choose you over banana milk?!"Ara crossed her arms too."You'll choose me so that I will get the banana milk.That's final!"Jungkook looked at Ara who had the most beautiful teary eyes."D-Don't cry..o-okay..choose banana milk..b-but I love i-it too."Jungkook hugged her sister."It's okay,Jungkook oppa is sweeter than banana milks.I'll miss you but please take care of Jiminie-oppa.I love you."Jungkook kissed her sister's forehad."I love you too,Ara."

Yun-Se fetched Ara first.Ara will be living with her since Jungkook's not around.After a few minutes,Yun-Se called Mr.Kim to fetch Jungkook with Jimin."I'll miss you son,please take care.I love you so much."Yun-Se hugged her son."I'll miss you too,mom.Please visit us if you have time.I love you too."Jimin smiled and hugged her mother back."Okay,Mr.Kim's outside.I love you minie.Please take care,son."Yun-Se smiled.

Jimin and Mr.Kim fetched Jungkook."Good Evening,Jimin."Jungkook smiled."Good eveing,Jungkook."Jimin said looking weirdly at Jungkook."Why?Is there a problem w-with my face?"Jungkook asked and Jimin laughed."No,you just brought many things,that's all.I just found it funny."Jungkook nodded at him and smiled.

Jungkook tried to open up a conversation but Jimin answered him in a cold way.While they were on their way,Jungkook felt the cold atmosphere.It was not the Jimin he knew,why was he so cold?"Why does it feels like he's so distant from me?"Jungkook thought.

He didn't know,Jimin had his plans.Was he ready to know it?

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