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   It's been a week since Jimin and Jungkook live in a house together.Jungkook kept on doing his routine.He makes breakfast for Jimin,he does their laundry,he cleans the house,he makes lunch for Jimin and everything he could do as Jimin's future husband but for Jimin,it's just a waste of time.

"Where's Jimin?It's already 10pm.Oh god,should I find him?"Jungkook was so nervous.Jimin went out and he didn't know where.In fact,he didn't want to let Jimin go outside,he was just so scared that Jimin will hate him more if he controls him.

Jungkook waited for 15 minutes but Jimin's still not home."Should I call his mom? Jimin,you are making me worried so much."Jungkook's eyes were so teary.He was so worried for Jimin,he was so afraid to lose him.After a while,the door opened and there was a drunk Jimin.

"Oh god,what happened to you?"Jungkook helped him remove his shoes and enter the house.Jimin sat on the couch and Jungkook gave him a glass of water."Are you hungry?"Jungkook asked the boy.Jimin was whispering something and Jungkook couldn't hear it so he came closer to Jimin.

"I'm sorry..."Jimin teared up and Jungkook's heart melted.He wiped those tears away."It's fine,Jimin.You don't have to say sorry to me-"Jimin teared up once again."N-No Yoongi,I'm really sorry.I'm sorry for pretending.I just love you so much."That was enough to break Jungkook's heart.

"Jimin,take some rest."Jungkook pulled away."Y-Yoongi, stay with me.I don't wanna lose you again."Jimin held Jungkook's hand."Stay by my side,Yoongi.Stay.."Jungkook couldn't say no to Jimin.He stayed there and hugged Jimin.Even though Jimin thought he was Yoongi,he was so happy to hold Jimin close to him.

"Why are you asking somebody to stay when they already left you?"Jungkook said patting Jimin's back.He wanted to hold Jimin forever."I never thought I'll be happy and sad like this at the same time.I am happy I stay with you like this but I am sad I am not the one you were asking for it.My smile is still my pain."Jungkook teared up.


"I am here,again."Yoongi said.They came back to Seoul after a week.Yoongi was so new unlike before.He barely smile nor laugh but for him,it was normal."Father,I wanna take a walk."Yoongi told his father and he nodded.Yoongi went to the market,his favorite place.

There was a closed road near the market and it's where he saw the boy who saved him."Why is it so hard to find you?I wanna thank you for saving my life.You are so important to me."Yoongi had no friends since he was child.No one dared to talk to him,he was so lonely.One day,he was so down and in his young age,he just wanted to ran away from it.He ran and ran until he reached the road.He was almost hit by a car but someone pushu.ed him.He was so thankful that someone saved his life that he thought was so useless.

He didn't notice he was crying so hard but someone patted his back."Are you okay?"Yoongi looked at the boy and he wanted to scream due to happiness."It's him,I feel it."Yoongi thought.The boy has mole on his neck."C-Can I see your pinky?"Yoongi said and the boy lifted his hand.There was a mole.

"H-Hey are you okay?I saw you crying."The boy asked."I am happy now.More than happy."Yoongi said and the boy patted his back."Good for you.Always smile,hmm?I gotta go."

"What's your name?"Yoongi held his hand."Oh me?Jungkook.My name is Jeon Jungkook.How about you?"Yoongi smiled at him."Yoongi.My name is Min Yoongi."

"Well then,Yoongi.I gotta go.Nice to see you."Jungkook said and left him.Yoongi was so happy."It's really him."


"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING TAEHYUNG?!YOU MEAN,YOONGI'S IN KOREA AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO TELL ME?"Jimin shouted at Taehyung.He was so mad at him."Can you calm down?Just for once!"Taehyung said and Jimin sighed."I didn't even know he's here already.I just heard that he was in the market,his favorite place."

"H-He chose to go there first instead of asking where I am.."Jimin teared up.Taehyung was so tired seeing his best friend like this."Jimin,let him go.He can love whoever he want.I thought I made it clear?Don't hurt Jungkook."Taehyung hugged his best friend."But it's so hard, Taehyung.I want him to love me but he also want someone to love him."Jimin cried in his best friend's arms.

"Sometimes,you have to let go,Jimin.It will be easy if you move on.Just..step by step.Okay?"Taehyung said.For Jimin,he didn't wanna let go.He wanted Yoongi to stay and no one can stop him.After that,he dialed Jin's number and told him that he wanted nice clothes to wear as soon as possible.



The little boy Jungkook was helping his mother to sell foods.They had a small space in the market but they have a lot of buyers."Jungkook, aren't you tired?"His mother patted his back."N-No,mom!I love helping you while father's not around."Jungkook bunny smiled.

"Aish.You little bun bun.You love mom so much.Don't you?"His mother asked while crossing her arms."Jungoo loves mom,so much."Jungkook cupped her mother's cheeks.His mother was so glad to have Jungkook.He was so helpful and loving.

"Mom,I wanna buy a bottle of water.There's a man selling near the road.Can I?"Jungkook asked his mother."Be careful,okay?"His mother said and gave him money.Jungkook ran he didn't notice there was a car.

"Hey,little boy.Watch out!"A man who was selling bottle of water got Jungkook."Are you okay,buddy?"The man asked Jungkook and he nodded."Thank you,sir."Jungkook said."Be careful.Cars here are so fast."The man said.Jungkook was about to go away after he bought water but there was a little boy who has been pushed away from the other end of the road.The little boy was also almost hit by a car.Jungkook ran to the boy and shouted for help.

"Hey please wake up.I'll help you too coz someone help me.I got you."Jungkook removed his blue shirt and wiped the boy's dirt on his face.


Thank you so much for reading.I hope you enjoy this chapter coz Chapter 7 was short and I'm really sorry for that.I just want to focus on how can I explain the flashback in a best way I can.Again thank you so much.

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