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"Don't leave me,my love~"Jimin was trying his best to make Jungkook stay.He kept on pecking Jungkook's lips and pouting.It's been 3 weeks already since they got married but Jimin couldn't take it if Jungkook's not on his side.

"Minie,I have to talk with my father,hmm?I'll be back after 2 days I promise."Jungkook sighed and hugged Jimin.Jungkook's father texted him that he wanted to see his son so Jungkook decided to go to Busan.

"But why can't Minie come with Jungkookie?"Jimin pouted again.Jungkook lost it and kissed Jimin."Baby,I'll be back I promise.I want you to just stay here and wait for me.Don't you like it?When I go home after 2 days I will be shouting wifey I'm home~"Jungkook giggled but Jimin looked away."Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm still a man.I'm your husband!"Jimin whined."But you're bottom."Jungkook smirked and he received a punch on his arm."I'm just stating facts."

"I don't wanna hurt you because I won't sleep with you tonight.I will miss you,Jungkook."Jimin sadly smiled but Jungkook kissed his hand."Baby,it's just 2 days."

"It is still a long time.No one will give me neck kisses for 2 mornings!No one will give me cuddles-"Jungkook pressed his lips against Jimin.

Jimin respond to the kiss and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck while Jungkook caressed his waist."I love you so much,Jimin.I love you."Jungkook pressed a soft kiss against Jimin's neck.

Jimin hugged Jungkook and wrapped his legs around Jungkook's waist."I love you too,Jungkook."


"Yoongi?Is that you?"Yoongi heard a familiar voice calling him."M-Mr.Kim?"He was Yun-Se's driver who took Jimin and Jungkook to Daegu.

"Aish why are you still calling me Mr.Kim?I sound old.Seokjin is perfect,like my face."Jin laughed and Yoongi just stared at him and nodded.

"By the way why are you here?"Jin asked.

"Finding...him."Yoongi said.Jin nodded and tapped his shoulder."You can't get over with that man,I see."Jin knew what happened.He was there when Jimin and Yoongi broke up.
"I hope you find him soon."

"Thank you.How are you?"Yoongi asked and Jin smiled."Still handsome."Jin caressed his face.

Yoongi sighed loudly and Jin punch his arm."You're disrespectful.I'm your hyung!You should say something nice instead of sighing loudly."Jin said faster than a racing car.

"Here let me show you something."Jin said and show his phone.

"I am this one.I look handsome,right?"Jin showed a picture of him and Jungkook on Yun-Se's house.Yoongi's eyes widened."Hey don't tell me you are in love with my face.I already know that."Jin laughed and hit Yoongi.

"W-What is his name?"Yoongi pointed at Jungkook."Ah,Jeon Jungkook.He's Jimin's hu-"

"Where does he live?"Yoongi asked."In Daegu with Jimin."Jin said and closed his phone.He was gonna ask Yoongi 'why' but the boy was gone.

"Where is he?Oh maybe Jungkook is his lost brother haha!I'm so funny.It's not even a joke but still funny.Wow,I love myself."Jin sighed and clapped for himself.


"Jung.Ho.Seok."Taehyung said while clenching his fist.He stared deeply at Hoseok's eyes,like wanting to kill him.His whole figure shaking because of his actions.








Taehyung punched the air.

"HAHA YOU LOSER YOU CAN'T KILL ME!"Hoseok said and pushed Taehyung.They were surprised when the door opened.


"His face oh god.I'm dying.HAHAHAHAHA."Taehyung laughed loudly."I know he's really HAHAAH he's funny."Hoseok couldn't breathe because of too much laughing.

Jimin stared at them and crossed his arms."We're just playing,Jimin.Chill"Taehyung laughed.

"I'm glad Hoseok is okay."Jimin smiled.He was glad seeing Hoseok laughing and not crying all day."I don't care if he gets back with someone.I will still try my best tho.I have my hope of being his first love."Hoseok smirked.

"What?"Jimin asked."I saved someone when I was child but a blue shirted also helped him.I still lack of informations.What did Yoongi tell about his savior though?"Hoseok asked.

"H-He told me he saw the boy who saved him with blue shirt.H-Hoseok how did you saved someone?"Jimin asked curiously.

"A man who was selling bottles of water told us that Hoseok used to play with his friend on the old house near the market.You know?The end of the road."Taehyung said and Jimin listened carefully.

"I just remembered I pushed a child and the blue shirted child came to him."Jimin was quick to connect the dots.

"The market.It's really important to Yoongi because the accident happened there.Blue shirt.Yoongi saw the child wearing blue shirt.Hoseok,it's you!It's just that Yoongi didn't see you.He thought that the child who came to him was his savior.It's you,Hoseok!"Jimin shouted and the three smiled.

"But the blue shirted guy...."Hoseok sadly said."He has mole on the neck and pinky."Taehyung remembered the details Jimin told him.

"I know someone who has mole in the neck and pinky like me..."Jimin nervously said."He WAS a vendor...in the MARKET."Jimin added.

"who?"Taehyung and Hoseok asked.

"J-Jungkook.Jeon Jungkook,my husband.'

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